Sunday, March 16, 2025

It takes more than MBA degree nor decades of experience to develop a business leader

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

We should really do much of what do you recommend, what is your solution to the problem.   MBA is not enough,  Even business coaching.    Maybe the protege should experience more of experience:   having failures as teacher, and training them, leaving them alone to make decision.

A good technician:   project engineer, or marketing expert does not make a good CEO or business leader.  Even decades of being on the job.  A good CEO needs to:

    1.  See both the forest and the trees
    2.  Make courageous decision even if it hurts others;
    3   Expend extra ordinary effort and passion on the venture
    4.  Be forceful at times.

Sometimes you see them to be soft, and not very observant.  They fail to see redflags early nor do they recognize opportunities early.  And get distracted easily by current events, FB posts or criticism of others

The GSB is pushing once again Entrep courses

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

This post used to teach Entrepreneurship and Business Leadership for that GSB in many parts of the country to various MBA programs   Of course the elite Entrep Program was beyond reach and ran by former AIM staffer.  

However the rigorous program we conducted which was capped by preparation of a Business Plan was something this post reminisced with pride.   The free Linked In Slideshare attest to the brilliance of our instruction

Monday, February 24, 2025

How do you create value? Why are there value added taxes?

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Perhaps our understanding of value and wealth creation are vague, at the basic principle level.  All that we understand is value =  PHP = cash.

Entrepreneurs create value.  Innovation is raising value from lower level to a higher level.  So when a rund won property earns P5,000 a month, and renovation makes it earn P100,000 a month that is creating value

Value is created when a product or system meets or satisfy a need.  When what pisses of the customer is solved.  When the pain point of the customer is removed.  What the provider demands as a compensation, and what the customer can afford is the transactional value.    So how do you charge for  a knee operation:   P5,000, P50,000, P100,000 or P200,000.  

It is to be unerstood that when we reveal as a salesperson how a prdouct service or system lessens pain, makes the customer gain, then the saless person create value.  The sales presentation, the sales letter, the ad creates value.  The creation of sense of need and urgency, (scarcity) adds value to the product, service or system

What you invest in yourself ;   the skills knowledge, the solution learned create value.   It is the real wealth.