Wednesday, May 8, 2013

New Ideas - Suggestion

From: Jeffrey Lacson <>
Date: Wed, May 8, 2013 at 7:41 AM
Subject: Suggestion

Mall guards for not diligently inspecting bags of their guests. The supposedly preventive control (terrorism, etc) is not functioning as intended and causes inconvenience (long lines in the entrance) to their clients. 

If this activity will be on a permanent basis, (1) install a more high-tech equipment to ease the traffic in the entrance (without sacrificing security) or (2) install a more flexible door, where you can adjust entrance and exit space depending on the flow of people, peak hours. Put additional guards that will inspect bags and make sure they know what they are looking for, and somebody should check if they really doing their job.

If on a temporary basis (based on intel info / reports), i still suggest (2) and increase more guard visibility during heightened alert. 

Jef Lacson

Sent from my iPhone


What Pisses You Off? Nuideas from IIAP attendees

From: Ching Izafinna S - Charter Ping An 
Subject: Re: What Pisses You Off?

What pissed me off? Its when a traffic enforcer pulls you over and then asks if you know your violation.  Well, he should know since he's the one that pulled me over.  
My solution is to defend myself since I know myself that I did not violate any traffic rules.. Maybe he's just out for bribe.   Thank God because for almost 18 years of driving, my license was never been confiscated to any traffic violations.

Another thing that pisses me off is when my staff's commit repeated mistakes, solution is to have more patience to correct and guide them.

Izafinna S. Ching
Assistant Manager - MMA
Charter Ping An Insurance Corporation

Group creative activity of IIAP class - dry cooking

26th floor, Ayala Life -  FGU center, Ayala Ave, Makati City  PHL
May 8, 2013

                          Yna E was the food taster and the judge;  what was the decision?

The most important activity of the day I think which engaged the class was the dry cooking activity.  Initially,  we planned to have 2 groups but because of the power outage, we were forced to shift to this activity and there were only 5 attendees at that time.  We settled for one group.  I brought two sets of bell pepper and imported strawberries.  The class mission was to create a dish with the two ingredients I brought.  They brought their own ingredients to complete the product.

The major criteria was that it is to be edible;  the class should eat what they prepared.  And second the food should be different and delicious. 

And they rose to the challenge.  We ate all that they prepared.  See more of what they did.

Many commented that their colleagues were laughing for attending a culinary arts school.

But they said that:  they learned to connect and work as group, they had fun;  those who did not cook or prepare food got interested in food and lastly, they became creative.

          My contribution to the challenging and fun filled activity:  bell pepper and strawberries

                                    Michael F going solo in preparing his award winning creation

                                Insurance execs turned chef thinking of how to plan the menu

                                   Michael F putting the final touches

                                   Chefs in action

                                  More food preparation

                                  Can we monetize these treats?

                                Appearance and food taste both count;  nice presentation of food

                                    For marketing and for Facebook (face of the dish?)

                                 Photos (not prayers) before we eat

                                    Admiring their creation

                         Time to taste the food;  Michael G says chicaron with jam tastes good

                                   Enjoying the meal

Michael F took home the rest of the strawberries, he will prepare food for the class and bring some wine.  That will be the last class day celebration