Friday, May 10, 2013

Last session day for Corporate Entrepreneurship at IIAP

FGU - Ayala Life Center, Ayala Ave., Makati City   MM PHL   |   May 9, 2013

                                 A wacky shot?, Grace was the darling of the class;   "hard"

Today marks the last session day for corporate entrepreneurship for insurance executives of IIAP.  
We did a review of the past 2 session days.  And what made the most impact according to them was the dry cooking and "I am the best" self affirmation.

Then we covered lateral thinking, business process, business model, the innovation of business process and business model.  I had the clickable links listed in a post for easy navigation and then had the usual picture taking.

I am happy and satisfied with what I did:  the syllabus and all the teaching materials and I hope that this left an impact to the insurance execs participants.

                                  The boys in front and they sat down, the ladies stood up!

                                     It was time for ladies to sit down

                                Yna, the course coordinator joined the group picture

Another wacky class picture?  L to R:   Yna, Rika, Jeff, Yza, Prof Jorge, Mandy, Michael, Michael and Grace.

I would like to think that the class was pretty much engaged in the subject judging from the interaction in the class, their comments, questions, and their participation in the group activities.

Michael brought  a new set of strawberry cum graham biscuit creation and passion fruit wine sample branded as "Unwined".

 I was mostly asking questions to the MBAs in the class (Iza and Marika) and Iza said that she was a little bit pressured by this set up, since she finished her MBA several years back.  (Well I thought that Ateneo MBA should live to their name as Masters, no matter what the time and place)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Images at the IIAP training center

FGU -  Ayala Life Center, Ayala Ave, Makati City   PHL
May 9, 2013

Here are some views at the IIAP facilities at the 26th floor, FGU - Ayala Ctr. Building

                                    The imposing lobby

                                        IIAP   MDP  (MBA for insurance execs)


                               Training center dining area


                                    View of Western side of MM

                              The Ayala Ctr.

                                  View of Manila Bay from 26th floor

                                 Top view of Al Fresco restaurant

                                      Reflections from the glass panels of Cocolife building

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

New Ideas at Corporate Entrepreneurship

From: Mandy C Velasquez
Date: Wed, May 8, 2013 at 1:10 PM
Subject: Corporate Entrepreneurship

Hi Sir Jorge,

What Pisses Me Most:
Sales personnel making requests but with incomplete underwriting information
- Sales personnel (account executives, branch heads or branch staff) will merely forward the request from the client/intermediary
- Client/intermediaries are increasingly becoming more demanding in terms of turn-around time

- Conduct underwriting briefing for all Sales personnel
- Provide a checklist of minimum underwriting requirements for their reference
- Re-issue application forms/proposal forms to all Sales personnel

Thank you.

