Sunday, June 30, 2013

10 reasons your business plan won't succeed - lack of details and people who can execute well

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From: SmartBrief on Leadership
Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 10:30 PM
Subject: 10 reasons your business plan won't succeed

Why don't companies focus more on decision-making quality? | Leadership doesn't mean ordering people around | Can Paula Deen salvage her ailing brand?
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June 27, 2013
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SmartBrief on Leadership

Leading EdgeSponsored By

Why don't companies focus more on decision-making quality?
Companies typically make front-line decisions carefully and scientifically but fail to bring the same level of rigor and oversight to top-level decisions and strategic planning, says author Dan Heath. Firms need to find ways to ensure executives aren't being unduly swayed by emotion, office politics or visuals, Heath says. "Pursue good decisions at the top of the organization as relentlessly as you do on the front line," he says. Strategy+Business online (free registration)/S+B Blogs (6/26)
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Leadership doesn't mean ordering people around
Good leaders recognize that their workers aren't automatons and don't try to make every single decision for them, writes Mary Jo Asmus. If you're feeling bogged down, try delegating, thus giving yourself more space to focus on the bigger picture, Asmus advises. "You'll be surprised at how smart and capable they are," she writes. (6/24)
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Strategic ManagementSponsored By

Can Paula Deen salvage her ailing brand?
Celebrity chef Paula Deen's brand has faltered since she confessed to making racist comments, with brands such as Wal-Mart and Caesars Entertainment ending their involvement. Experts say the episode shows the impact a leaders' careless words can have on a company and how hard it can be to subsequently put things right. "[Y]our personal actions represent your brand at large. You are your brand's biggest most important spokesperson," writes Jim Joseph. Entrepreneur online (6/24), Bloomberg Businessweek (6/26)
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PayPal plots a course for the stars
PayPal has announced a plan "to help make universal space payments a reality," ensuring that its technologies follow explorers and tourists into space. The project, developed with the SETI Institute, will seek to develop extraterrestrial payment conventions. "Space tourism is opening up to all of us in the next decade or so and we want to make sure that PayPal is the preferred way to pay from space and in space," said PayPal President David Marcus. National Public Radio/The Two-Way blog (6/27)
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Innovation and CreativitySponsored By

How to cook up innovative ideas
Creative types should aim to be more like crock pots than frying pans, writes Behance founder Scott Belsky, because it's better to give your ideas time to simmer and mingle. "When you cook something slowly, at lower heat for a longer time, the flavors and textures can yield culinary masterpieces. The process of our own creations isn't much different," he writes. 99U (6/21)
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All-nighters don't make you more creative
We like to think of mad inventors and artists staying up all night in a frenzy of creative inspiration, but the truth is often much more mundane. Researchers say that while not sleeping gives you more time to get things done, there's no evidence that all-nighters make people's output more creative. FastCoCreate (6/26)
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The Global PerspectiveSponsored By

Struggling in India, Wal-Mart picks new country head
Raj Jain, the head of Wal-Mart's Indian operations, has stepped down after six years in which the global retail giant has struggled to find a foothold and was beset by scandal. Jain will be replaced by Ramnik Narsey, the former CEO of Woolworths India. Reuters (6/26), Wall Street Journal (India) (6/26)
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Exploring How GIS Can Be Used to manage Facilities and Plan Campuses
GIS enables facilities managers to make smart decisions on site locations, optimizing space and improving business continuity.
GovLoop, by Pat Fiorenza

Engage. Innovate. Discuss.Sponsored By

10 reasons your business plan won't succeed
Many business plans have baked-in flaws that guarantee they won't deliver the desired results, writes Bill French, who lists and explains 10 common defects. "Business plans that don't incorporate structured, detailed, all-encompassing go-to market plans as an integral part of the planning process are at a high risk of underperforming -- or worse," he writes. SmartBrief/SmartBlog on Leadership (6/26)
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Building Trust in Targeted Online Advertising — Giving Consumers Transparency, Notice and Choice in the EU
Recent Online Behavioural Advertising (OBA) rules are now enforcing ad networks, advertisers, and publishers to remain transparent with their consumers. Learn how to comply with the new rules, as well as easily provide consumers the notice and choice that they desire through TRUSTe's EU Solutions. Download the free white paper now.

Daily Diversion

Everything you knew about food is wrong
Your food is lying to you, writes Alex Santoso. So-called baby carrots are actually carved from fully grown carrots; portobello mushrooms are simply plus-sized button mushrooms; fortune cookies aren't actually Chinese; and salmon is dyed pink, with fish farmers using swatches to pick the precise shade they're aiming for. Neatorama (6/26)
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When you stop wading in the weeds, your brain can fill the void with a grand vision for your organization."
-- Mary Jo Asmus, leadership consultant, writing at Aspire CS
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