Sunday, June 30, 2013

Are you making your employees nervous?

From: SmartBrief on Small Business <>
Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 11:27 PM
Subject: Are you making your employees nervous?

Website an early differentiator for small law firm | Poor customer service can ruin your marketing efforts | How to make sure your marketing materials stay relevant
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June 27, 2013
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SmartBrief on Small Business

Problem. Solved.Sponsored By

Website an early differentiator for small law firm
Immigration lawyer Sheela Murthy helped her law firm gain visibility and customers by building a website aimed at answering questions about immigration law in the mid-1990s when few firms had websites, she says. Her website and e-mail newsletter, which today has around 43,000 subscribers, helped the business by creating an online community for immigrants, she adds. Today the firm earns more than $10 million in revenue annually and employs 110 people. The New York Times (tiered subscription model) (6/26)
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All the tools you need to manage your online reputation
As your small business grows a great website can be key to your success. Townsquare interactive can help with your search engine optimization (SEO), design, social media, web publishing, and reputation management to create a total web presence for your small business online. Learn more here.

MarketingSponsored By

Poor customer service can ruin your marketing efforts
Even the most lavish marketing efforts can all go for naught if operations and customer service aren't up to snuff, writes Walter Dailey, creative director for DSV Media. "However, the opposite is also true. If you play your operations/customer interaction cards right, you can convert people into walking billboards for your small business," Dailey writes. Fox Business Small Business Center (6/26)
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How to make sure your marketing materials stay relevant
You can make sure your marketing materials stay current by only printing as many as you need for a particular event, writes Susan Payton, president of Egg Marketing & Communications. "Printing fewer now means you can make changes next time, then print a new batch," she writes. In addition, you should ensure you have easy access to essential art files and check over your materials regularly to make certain they're still relevant. Small Business Trends (6/26)
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ManagementSponsored By

Are you making your employees nervous?
In some cases, leaders might scare their employees or impair their ability to work independently without even realizing it, according to Christine Comaford, author of "SmartTribes: How Teams Become Brilliant Together." Leaders can make workers uneasy by issuing unclear directives or by having inconsistent standards. To help employees feel comfortable and engaged, it's important to let them know you're part of the team. The Salt Lake Tribune (Utah) (6/26)
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An advisory board can be a big help for business owners
An advisory board can be a boon for your business provided that you are able to expend the necessary time and effort and provide adequate compensation, Jaimy Ford writes. Board members can provide guidance and expertise on topics such as product development and marketing. However, it's important to establish clear expectations and recruit the right board members, he writes. Intuit Small Business Blog (6/25)
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CSO Insights: A Sales Rep's Digital Admin
CSO's predict sales success will be dictated by increasing efficiency and effectiveness of their sales teams. Closing, processing and fulfilling orders takes about 50% of the time to get to a yes. Learn how advances in CRM 2.0 technology will optimize this aspect of selling. Download the free white paper now.

MoneySponsored By

Simple steps for maintaining confidentiality during a business sale
Confidentiality is critical when selling a business, and a few key tactics can minimize the chance of a leak, writes Curtis Kroeker, group general manager for and Start by creating a confidentiality agreement you can share with interested parties. Also, set up a new e-mail account and phone number to handle communications with prospective buyers, Kroeker writes. Inc. online (free registration)/ (6/26)
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Other News
Democracy meets GIS
The rise of powerful consumer-focused mapping tools is shifting the centre of gravity in the once-rarefied spatial information market.
Government Technology Review

Tips & ToolsSponsored By

Fans of Google Reader have several options as service nears its end
A number of options are available for users of Google Reader, which is scheduled to shut down next week, John Jantsch writes. RSS subscriptions can be transferred to other services such as Feedly or Feedbin, he writes. Alternatively, users might want to use the end of Google Reader as an opportunity to create entirely new feeds or change the way they find blog content. Duct Tape Marketing (6/25)
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Building Trust in Targeted Online Advertising — Giving Consumers Transparency, Notice and Choice in the EU
Recent Online Behavioural Advertising (OBA) rules are now enforcing ad networks, advertisers, and publishers to remain transparent with their consumers. Learn how to comply with the new rules, as well as easily provide consumers the notice and choice that they desire through TRUSTe's EU Solutions. Download the free white paper now.

Featured Content

Just for Fun

Cap'n Crunch's uniform shows he's faking captain
Cap'n Crunch cereal, beloved by children for generations, has been inaccurately depicting its icon as a Navy captain all of these years. A food blogger noticed the captain wears the uniform of a commander, sporting three stripes, instead of four. National Public Radio/The Two-Way blog (6/20)
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[K]now that marketing and operations perform like relay race partners -- there's a handoff that happens."
-- Walter Dailey, creative director for DSV Media, writing at the Fox Business Small Business Center.
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How do you figure out market potential? from HBR and Linked In

Forwarded articles from Linked In/HBR.  Enjoy the free article

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From: Harvard Business Review Group Members <>
Date: Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 12:10 AM
Subject: How do you figure out market potential?

Harvard Business Review
Harvard Business Review
June 21, 2013
Manager's Choice
How do you figure out market potential?
Started by Tracy Williams
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The art and science of explanation of our product to the customers

Promoting Entrepreneuralism

Angono, Rizal   PHL   |  June 30, 2013

Effective Explanations by Lee Leefever from HBR | June 18, 2013

The post makes reference to the movie starring Alec Baldwin who utters the famous ABC "Always be Closing (Glengary Glen Ros).  Lee thinks it is not that simple.  It does not happen that way.

ABE would be more appropiate.  "Always be Explaining" Our explanations are often so tribal that we fail to look them and examine how to make them work better.   Lee calls it "Curse of Knowledge" from the book of  Chip and Dan Heath Made to Stick.  Businesses and sales person never explain well enough that prospects are lost/run away.

Some advice:

1.  Let the customer dazzle you not the other way around.  If you must dazzle them, dazzle them with clarity.

2.  Introduce the forest and then the trees;  explain the context/background on why the product is needed.

3.  Add details sparingly, so as not to confuse the prospect.   Agree on some key points and then provide info as their asked for.

4,  Your audience is human;  employ more stories

5.  Use less copy;  use more pictures/photos -  a picture is worth a thousand words.  In powerpoints presentation, use more pictures.

6.  Focus on the why.  For everything, there  is a reason.

7.  Your job is to inform smart people;  make them feel important avod talking down to them. Talk with them