Friday, August 9, 2013

Why you should be happy when investors tell you "no"

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From: SmartBrief on Entrepreneurs <>
Date: Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 3:17 AM
Subject: Why you should be happy when investors tell you "no"

Online apparel company focuses on U.S. manufacturing | Leadership lessons from Nelson Mandela | Advice for developing financial projections
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June 27, 2013
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SmartBrief on Entrepreneurs

Bold VenturesSponsored By

Online apparel company focuses on U.S. manufacturing
Bayard Winthrop, CEO of American Giant, is building his apparel company with a focus on high-quality products and made-in-the-USA manufacturing. The company's signature product is a new take on the classic hooded sweatshirt featuring enhancements such as a fitted shape and just the right amount of spandex in the cuffs. "It's the ubiquitous American silhouette, and nothing in the category stood out," Winthrop said. Entrepreneur magazine (7/2013)
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CIT Financing for the Retail Value Chain
Whether you're a retailer or a supplier, CIT has the expertise and experience you need to grow. Our factoring, equipment finance, real estate and corporate finance professionals offer financing programs and advisory services that truly meet the needs of small and middle market businesses.

Leading the PackSponsored By

Leadership lessons from Nelson Mandela
With Nelson Mandela battling a severe lung infection, Jena McGregor looks to the South African icon's past interviews for insight on his leadership style. Mandela knew the power of words and symbols in inspiring followers and winning over enemies, but he also believed that leadership was ultimately a way of serving others. "What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead," he said in 2002. The Washington Post (tiered subscription model)/On Leadership blog (6/24)
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SmartBrief Readers: Get Connected with OPEN Forum
OPEN Forum is a community where you can exchange advice with other business owners to help you make smart decisions. Click here to join.

Finance & GrowthSponsored By

Why you should be happy when investors tell you "no"
Hearing the word "no" from an investor can actually be a good thing because it allows you to stop wasting time and begin the search for a new funding opportunity, writes Brian S. Cohen, chairman of New York Angels. Listen closely if an investor tells you why he or she has decided not to fund your startup, and don't take the explanation as an opportunity for debate, he writes. VentureBeat (6/26)
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Advice for developing financial projections
Preparing financial projections provides entrepreneurs with an opportunity to show investors that they understand their businesses, writes Paul Lee, partner at Lightbank venture capital firm. Often, understanding the financial drivers is more important than the actual projections, he writes. Identify all of the assumptions you have made in preparing your projections, and use conversations with investors as an opportunity to gather feedback. Entrepreneur Council (6/26)
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CSO Insights: 2013 SPO Sales Execution Analysis
It is one thing to plan the work and another to work the plan. In this topical report, see how well other companies perform as they navigate prospects through the sell cycle. Learn how your sales team can leverage best practices from best-in-class performing organizations highlighted in this study. Download this free report now.

The Whole EntrepreneurSponsored By

Is it time to adjust your mindset?
It's time to re-evaluate your thinking if you tend to overgeneralize or refuse to listen to what the market is telling you, writes Eric T. Wagner. "Yes -- [it's] important to have confidence and tenacity as an entrepreneur, but not to the point of delusion," he writes. In addition, avoid making wild assumptions or letting negative emotions cloud your reasoning, he writes. Forbes (6/25)
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Helpful experiences before launching a company
Before launching a startup, it's a good idea to get a mentor, save some money and learn the fundamentals of accounting, entrepreneurs say. "Anyone starting a business should understand the lines on a balance sheet, how they relate to the P&L and how to calculate critical cash flow metrics," according to Ryan Buckley of Scripted. The Huffington Post/Young Entrepreneur Council (6/24)
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Apps for Disaster Planning
Best disaster preparedness apps from TechSoup donation partners, government agencies, and nonprofits. Tech Soup, by Ginny Mies

Ideas for InnovatorsSponsored By

All-nighters don't make you more creative
We like to think of mad inventors and artists staying up all night in a frenzy of creative inspiration, but the truth is often much more mundane. Researchers say that while not sleeping gives you more time to get things done, there's no evidence that all-nighters make people's output more creative. FastCoCreate (6/26)
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Download a new commissioned Thought Leadership Study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Amazon Webstore
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Fortune from FailureSponsored By

10 reasons your business plan won't succeed
Many business plans have baked-in flaws that guarantee they won't deliver the desired results, writes Bill French, who lists and explains 10 common defects. "Business plans that don't incorporate structured, detailed, all-encompassing go-to market plans as an integral part of the planning process are at a high risk of underperforming -- or worse," he writes. SmartBrief/SmartBlog on Leadership (6/26)
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Building Trust in Targeted Online Advertising — Giving Consumers Transparency, Notice and Choice in the EU
Recent Online Behavioural Advertising (OBA) rules are now enforcing ad networks, advertisers, and publishers to remain transparent with their consumers. Learn how to comply with the new rules, as well as easily provide consumers the notice and choice that they desire through TRUSTe's EU Solutions. Download the free white paper now.

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Time is the most precious resource you have. Don't squander it by pursuing angel investors who will never fund your startup."
-- Brian S. Cohen, chairman of New York Angels, writing at VentureBeat.
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