Sunday, August 11, 2013

: Meyerson: 'The American Economy Is Eroding the American Job'

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

The topic of the conference was change and more changes would be forthcoming

One of the things promised by the new VP for APS is the improvement of facilities especially the run down and leaking toilets. If that is one of the broken windows that need to be addressed, then I am happy.  I am sure that the large and matrix organization of the school prevents speedy repairs and improvement of facilities.  The over running of the library by the more numerous Law Students (will be addressed to)

The staff of JJ the new registrar, Jobbee, who is good in IT promised to address the concern of students dealing with the Registrar:   on line payment, on line enrollment, on line publication of grades, applying for transcript and diploma on line, one time submission of personal data to the registrar. QR codes for ID

I hope  that these complaints will be addressed fast.

What is the elephant in the room? getting married and having a divorce? part time lover? - description of faculty at the school

It was funny and that was the best that the participants in the faculty conference could do.  To make fun of a sad situation.

In the light of forthcoming changes, what is going to be status of the present aging work based aging faculty (average age is 56)?  Retirement age is 60, and contract for part time faculty is every 90 days.  There is no gratuity, nor retirement age.  However the other faculty at other schools (law for instance or even ME) get other/better deals.  As the contract is good for 90 days, there is no tenure and we do not know if the title of Professor is used correctly (that is why I prefer facilitator)

What is the elephant in the room?  What is going to happen to the faculty who will not have time to research because they are worked based.?  They could not care less because they have consultancy and business to run.  They need guidance and direction to be proactive;  to act now rather than having contracts not renewed without notice.

What about units getting married?  (Integration)  If it does not work out, will there be divorce?

What is going to be the strength of the Professional School if it does not take care of/want professional (work based professors)
A lawyer professor whispered to me that part time is better because you get around;  being tied to an institution could be boring.  It gives you freedom and power to leave because you can afford to leave.  And during the socials, the joke that go around is because "you are part time"

But wait a minute, many of the lecturer are here and willing to go through the aggravation (in the word of Doctah Bengzon) because they have Ignatian spirit.  They want to give back;  they want to share.

So we all wanted this why complain?