Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Factor Paper - Eliza Guades

Factor Paper
Eliza Guades

I remember that I first encounter the word entrepreneur was way back in high school. I used to also have a class in entrepreneurship where in we study different kind of small scale businesses and have the chance to make interviews on how they do their business. And I was doing this paper my memory doesn't only bring me back to my high school days but also in my childhood. I remember during a vacation where I asked for some money from my mother to be able to buy some candies and sell it to my friends. And at the end of the day I will give back the money and the so called profit that I have I used to save. During that time I only do it just for fun but now I realize that once in my life I've been an entrepreneur in my own little way.

 Entrepreneur as defined by dictionary.com is a person who organizes and manages an enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk. And to become one, there are several traits or factors that one must possess. To further assess if I really have the qualities to become an entrepreneur I tried some online assessment.

The result shows that the qualities I posses to become an entrepreneur are:
1.      Need for Achievement/Success – likes to set own objective and get feedback about what one is doing. Also very competitive, especially with themselves
2.        Perseverance and Determination – persisting in one's effort, constant determination to find solutions to problems. This play tenacity and able to bounce back quickly.
3.      Self-Confidence / Enthusiasm – gives belief in one's own resources and abilities. Knows one own value and is optimistic about the ability to achieve.
4.      Tolerance towards ambiguity/ Resistance to stress – able to handle and manage the stress created by uncertainty and is very adaptable.
5.      Perception to act upon one's destiny – have the power to influence events by their actions
6.      Creativity/ Imagination – curious, inquisitive, able to anticipate things and to imagine various solutions to problem
7.      Action Oriented – have the eagerness to take action and diligence and believe to have the act to become successful.

If there are traits that I possess to be an entrepreneur, there are also some that I need to improve on which are:
1.      Power/ Control Appeal – have the desire to lead and influence, wants to organize, coordinate actions and mobilize resources. It also likes to arouse admiration and acquire social status.
2.       Need to Challenge/ Ambition – closely related the need to achieve but this trait constantly looking for the ways to take on difficult projects, achieve their dreams and have a constant need to learn.
3.      Self-sufficiency/ Freedom – looking for independence and able to make their own choices and set their own constraints.

Having this assessment, I was able to identify where I am as becoming an entrepreneur. I can say that I can be one with proper planning and consideration for I am driven and rewarded by innovation and problem solving. And I should not do it alone - I must surround myself with persons who are buy my vision and will serve as my sounding board and support mechanism to help me ensure long-term success.

Thanks & Regards,

Liza Guades   3

Notes on the Spentrep Class

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jorge Saguinsin <profjorge.entrep@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 5:53 AM
Subject: Notes on the Entrep Class

Hi John:

Thanks for volunteering to do the inspirational video.  I was excited and touched by your presentation.  Congratulations

May I request the following:

1.  That I be sent by your goodself the updated class list.  I understand there are new enrolees/transferees.  Please include the ID number  (Martin Revilla and Rachelle)

2.  The group list

3.  The seating arrangement. (This will help me remember names)

Notes on the assignment

In our excitement last night, I forgot to clarify the assignment:

1.  Next week, our Group Creative Activity will be product concept and prototyping.  For this I plan that the groups will be doing a dry cooking in class.  The dry cooking will involve as the main ingredients:  strawberries and bell pepper.  Each group will create a menu (in writing) and prepare other ingredients for two dishes:   one sweet, and the other sour as predominant taste  The groups shall:

      l.  Prepare prior to the class other ingredients and or materials that they may use.

      2.  We do dry cooking/preparation in the class

      3.  I will request Ana will help me in grading.  I understand she loves to cook

2  As to other assignments:

    l.  Please follow the procedures prescribed in the syllabus in sending your assignments:  id your assignment, no attachments, etc. Please send this to the proper blogsend addresses.

   2.  As to the NU 12, be sure they are SMART ones:   not broad or general ones but are concrete, specific and actionable.

   3.  Factors paper are not slideshare materials: ordinary uploading through blogsend will do.  Special Reports are to be uploaded to slideshare;   IVs are to be uploaded to third party video providers:  Daily Motion You Tube etc.  You are to send me clickable links or embed codes.
Kindly acknowledge and contact me soon if you have other questions, concern.

What is the feedback on how the class is being received/perceived by other classmates?

Prof Jorge Saguinsin


To view assignments, please click:

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Why being in business in a people business; why customer service matters?

What is a business?

It is an entity that creates customer says Peter Drucker.  It is very expensive to create new customer though;  it is better to nurture and take care of them.  Always have positive and delightful customer experience.  It is so easy to lose a customer than to acquire them