Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Factors Paper by Anthony Parungao

Anthony G. Parungao – FACTOR PAPER
Top 5 Characteristics of an Entrepreneur BY Armin Laidre
Most people desire to be an entrepreneur. Becoming your own boss and creating your own career is very attractive to most people. Additionally, many movies glorify people who found a way to make a living on their own. However, not everyone has an entrepreneurial mindset. If you ever desired to be an entrepreneur, you need to examine yourself. Here are the top five qualities of an entrepreneur.
Below are the following characteristics which I examined based on my personal character traits.

I don't need anyone to force me to work or anybody be held accountable for actions/works that I do in order for me to be efficient or effective for that matter.  I make it a point to do things in the proper manner (efficient) and doing the right thing (effective) the first time so as not to waste time and effort.  In the real world, it takes hard work to create your own business.  More than a 100% dedication and passion is needed to sustain your own business.   Before having my own business, I've been in the corporate world and was lucky to experience and be surrounded by self-motivated people.  I had the opportunity to develop and keep my spirits high in work no matter how discouraging the situation is and not be content with mediocrity.  So in order to excel and succeed in business, it is essential to have self-motivation.


This is the aspect of being an entrepreneur that I fall short of.  As an architect, our creativity in designing is somehow an adaptation to what is already existing in the real world which we simply modify to create a "new" design.  Seldom do you see exceptional designers who create their own but on a certain extent have adapted from an existing design.  In creating your own product in business, whether a tangible product or a service, this will often be created from adaptation and copy cat from existing products and services.  While my existing construction business is purely service, these are somehow generic.  It's so hard to differentiate your service from competitors.  Other competitors can also provide personalize and worry-free services.  What I wanted to learn from this class are actual comments or suggestions that I can learn from my peers.  They can serve as a customer-based reactions that I can actually implement through this learning process.      
As we have debated in our first session, entrepreneurs cannot rely purely on luck and opportunity.  With the fast-paced ever changing environment, we must adapt to these trends and be ready with the evolving surroundings.  I think earning this MBA will provide us the proper tools but these learning from school.  If you want to be successful in your business, we really have to nurture ourselves and use our intelligence, creativity & intuition.
When I decided to open my own business, I knew I needed to rely on the network that I have through the years working in the corporate world.  It is essential in any business that you have developed the much needed contacts in different aspects of the business. However, not everyone has your best interest in mind. You may encounter naysayers, manipulators and scammers. Therefore, you must not allow yourself to be easily influenced; you must be authoritative. Though there is nothing wrong with taking advice or opinions, in the end, you must make decisions that you strongly believe will better your company.


Before I started putting up my own business, it all started with a vision - a dream.   I acted on that dream with a little push from a colleague.  Taking small steps towards accomplishing my  goals with every step. However, not all steps and decisions are easy to take. Successful entrepreneurs only made it past the difficult times by being strong-willed. They never let pessimism, difficulty or any other problems stand in their way.

After assessing myself with these five qualities, I have learned that I need to harness some of these mindsets in order for me to become a real entrepreneur. While everyone has the ability to follow their dreams,  however, only some people actually try. 

While there are other qualities and personal reasons for engaging in our own business, there are a lot of things that has to be taken into consideration aside from the 5 characteristics above.  I've engaged in various business endeavours but have not really succeeded in this entrepreneurial task.  Somehow, I'm beginning to believe that no matter how you nurture your talents, it takes a bit of both inherent/inborn qualities and opportunity to enter and be succeed in the world of self employment or entrepreneurship.  <contrary to your winning position on the debate?)  3

Submitted by Anthony G. Parungao
September 16, 2013

Factors Paper by JC de Galicia

From: john carlo de galicia
Date: Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 12:37 AM
Subject: JCDEGALICIA: Factors Paper

Hi Prof. Jorge,

Here is my factors paper.


I am a dreamer, inspired by the turnaround of my family events, soaring to a greater heights has been a big picture of my life— a life of prosperity brought by good education that I could be proud of no matter where I go.  Seeing and focusing on this dream keeps me going regardless of the challenges I face.

During my high school and college years, I realized that once I started set my eyes on a goal, I give my best to reach it and have it. This has been true when aspired to excel and make sure that my mom and dad come together on stage to receive and hand over my medal of excellence and of leadership, momentous events and a pride of my being. My determination to reach the big picture made it always possible.

To be a better person by continuously aspiring for excellence day by day sets the difference. My attention to details adds value to my personality. It serves as my weapon as an advocate of change in my community: be it in school, church or local organizations. Detail makes me ahead in terms of promoting rights and welfare of my love ones and constituents. Also, this saves me from humiliation and losing face with friends, project mates and work mates.

I am a doer, more than being complacent nor negative spirited, I see

to it that I focus on solutions to a problem than just feeling bad about it. More than words, I walk the talk, the best of my ability. Like what ADMU continuously promotes, I dedicate myself to serve the Nation in general, inspired by my relatives and family.

Out of the service, there were various situations when my voluntary services turned into  an opportunity to serve a wider scope of population, yet of bigger responsibility where the saying much is given, much is required. Fueled by faith and passion to serve, defines my heart. This opened various doors of opportunities to practice and share my God given gifts.

Finishing two of my undergraduate degrees through the support of scholarship pressed me the importance of frugality and time value of money. This is part of my personal business acumen. Be it working with a small group and friends at work or managing my own personal resources, having fun doesn't necessarily mean that it needs to be costly, it could be as simple as it may seem but memorable and significant to who I am with. Life is fun, worth enjoying and spending with diverse individuals. Flexibility defines my personality for I love to be with different culture.  Forever young as I look, taking now my MBA for continuous education apart from the corporate trainings I had, my life will be a continuous search for learning.

Having all these to define myself, with a big heart to help, hopes and dreams, I stand that I have the guts to be an entrepreneur.  <please analyze the factors you showed me, the self test)


John Carlo "JC" De Galicia
Field Manager, Sun Life Financial
Ivy New Business Office
5/F Ace Building, 101-103 Rada cor Dela Rosa Sts.
Legaspi Village Makati City, 1229

Off: (6320 893-2740
Fax: (632) 819 6124
Mobile no: 0927 6431079

Prof Jorge Saguinsin


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Factors Paper by Paolo S. Bellosillo

Personally, an entrepreneur possesses the following: desire, knowledge, confidence, creativity, hard work, big dream, and passion.
The question is, am I an entrepreneur? Let's enumerate:
1.    Desire. An entrepreneur must first have the desire to be an entrepreneur. You have to want it in the first place, and everything starts from there. If you don't want something, chances are you won't succeed in that something. I want to be a successful entrepreneur and businessman. I want to improve the lives of people thru my skills, creativity, and expertise. I want it.
2.    Knowledge. An entrepreneur must have the knowledge in the field that he chooses. He has to be an expert in the main thing that he wants to do, and he also has to know a little bit about some things related to the business. I am a civil engineer. I am an expert in my craft in the field of construction, and I also know a bit of things about something else like accounting, finance, marketing, and economics. And my purpose of being in the MBA is to improve the skills that I need in business.
3.    Confidence. An entrepreneur has to believe in himself. He has to know that he is good at what he does and that he can do everything he wants. Self-confidence is a must in order for you to be brave and face the challenges ahead. I am confident that I have the right knowledge in engineering and construction. I believe that I can be better than anyone else, and I have full confidence in myself that I can make it really big.
4.    Creativity. An entrepreneur has to be creative. He has to think of new ways on how to improve an existing thing, or has to be able to create something out of nothing. He has to think outside the box in order to stand out from the competition. I am a creative person. I loved to draw when I was a child and I won several art contests during my grade school and high school years. Until now, I still possess my creativity at work and in school by standing out and thinking outside the box. I am also creative in solving problems, either simple or complex. I always think of ways on how to improve the existing procedures.
5.    Hard Work. An entrepreneur must have determination and hard work. He has to be relentless in pursuing his dreams, and he has to be outside his comfort zone. I am a hard worker. If I dreamt of something or if I have a goal, I see to it that I will finish it on time and with quality. I seldom sleep early and I always want to finish my work first before going home, otherwise I won't be able to relax.
6.    Big Dream. An entrepreneur must think big. He has to dream bigger that what he thinks he can do. His dreams must be limitless, and his dreams must reach the stars. Everything starts with a dream. I have a big dream. In fact, I think my dream is very big that most people might think that dream is impossible. I am a dreamer, a big dreamer.
7.    Passion. An entrepreneur must possess a burning passion. Something inside him must keep burning and pushing until he achieves what he pants. Passion, enthusiasm, and love for what he does are what keep him working and striving. Passion is the centre of all the characteristics of an entrepreneur because without it, other characteristics will be nothing. I have passion for buildings and for construction. I am passionate about architecture and the art of it. And mainly, I am passionate about improving the lives of people around me and the community.
These are the factors of being an entrepreneur. With this, I truly believe that I have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur and I believe that I can make it big. I believe that I will achieve my dream that most people think are impossible.
I am an entrepreneur, period.
Paolo S. Bellosillo  3