Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Can do potato penetration with soft straw challenge.

H de la Costa Campus, AGSB, Makati City | September 30, 2013

                   JC and Vicky (they both like they are Chinese) believing in their ability;  Martin too showing he can do it!

I got this exercise from our Entrep Guest, Mr. Silverio who owns the Guadalupe Commercial Complex.  He was an entrep guest at ADB which I used to teach also.

The challenge consist of penetrating the hard potato with a soft straw.

This a challenge of the mind over matter, of being positive, of can do attitude.  Many would usually think that it is an impossible task.

Some of the strategies used:  Akeel  used force, others screwed it, others slowly but surely.  But at the end of the day, they met the challenge.  Competition, ie knowing that others were done, was a motivator too.

We sometimes define entrepreneurship is a "passionate belief in the dream, which others sometimes think are impossible."  It is a belief in the "power of dreams"  that could be sometimes obsessive.

Do you believe in your dreams, and your ability to achieve them?

                                  Emmanuel, Janssen and Elisa

                                       Abet's dream is to be in the mainstream of showbiz

Our Class Yesterday, September 30, 2013

AGSB, 4th floor H. de la Costa Campus, Makati City  | September 30 2013

            JC and Prof Jorge hands the prize to Jojo Parungao and Elisa, the members of the Nurture group in the debate, during the first day of class

I was nervous that we would not be able to hold the classes again because it rained so hard Sunday evening September 29, 2013.

A number of students were absent, (because of work and sickness)

We tackled yesterday:

1. Strategy:

    Vision, Mission Objectives (VMOKRAPI)

    SPATRES (all contained in the hand outs I gave the previous week;)  the students must read this;  I asked particularly the students taking up STRAMA.

   As with regards to the objective of Strategy, your goal is to beat the competition.  The business concept must be compelling.

   Strategy is the choice of Key Resources and Key Activities to achieve you objectives.

   What is the relationship to entrepreneurship?   Entrepreneurship is very strategic;  the entrepreneur must start with something from nothing:    no resources  or no knowledge of activities to carry out the business concept.

  The students must also visit the slide presentation of Prof Jorge at Slideshare on Strategy

Applied Strategy

Strategic Thinking by Entrepreneurs

Old School Strategy is dead

2.  Professor had a slideshare presentation on his business and teaching background

Prof Jorge Entrep background

3.  We spent the rest of the evening viewing Inspirational Videos and Special Reports.

    The inspirational video, as was mentioned in Liza Guades vid, it must inspire oneself and others.  Emotional intelligence, as authored by Daniel Goleman mentions that it is about "ability to inspire oneself and inspire others"  Thus one must overcome shame, guilt, depression.  Committing suicide or being catatonic in the face of adversity is a sign of lack of emotional intelligence.   (We see certain executives shooting themselves in memorial parks when faced with very difficult situation despite a GSB MBA, being a cabinet official and graduating from a military academy.

4.  Special reports:

    Business and the Bible


We gave prizes to:   winners of the debate, and the dry cooking competition (courtesy of the Professor)

5.  We also had the can do exercise;  the potato penetrating challenge with a soft straw.  If you can think and dream it, you can do it.

                             Abet who took the picture, suggested this angle/view

                                The best in group Creative Activity -  Martin, Emmanuel and Abet

                                Jaime listening intently, he was to report last last night

                                 Vicky had an interesting life story

                          Martin, a drug rep married also to drug representative was inspired by latter

                                  Gio presenting the Bible, business and entrepreneurship

                                  If Akeel can do it first, then Abet can do it too!

Factors paper second version from Zhao Yanan

Good afternoon sir
Last week I sent one version factors paper about myself analysis Entrep,I think it is not good ,so I do again ,please double check, thank you very much.

I use the internet to do myself assessment, through it I can see that General profile is almost close to score of entrepreneurs.
<![if !supportLists]>l  <![endif]>Motivations part, it is higher, because I am an outgoing person, I always doing something seriously. In office, when we face difficult situation, I will think about at least 2or 3 solutions to solve the problem. I like to lead others, and I prefer my own boss, so the power/control appeal score is very high. When I take project, I like challenge myself, even though most of time not successful, however, too much appeals to be a little sufficiency. It is not good.
<![if !supportLists]>l  <![endif]>Aptitudes part: I always give the best myself what I do, I believe it is one of the important aptitudes, for me, everything is possible if I believe I can do it. One time ,we have meeting in SOFITEL, but the price is higher than we expect, so I go to hotel to negotiate with them face to face around four hours, and email to them more than ten times, Finally ,they agree the price we gave .It can be seen that I am perseverance .But when I working in stressful condition. I am not good at relax quickly. If I want be the entrepreneur, I should have good resistance to stress.
<![if !supportLists]>l  <![endif]>Attitudes part: I am enthusiasm. So most of time I can influence others to give decision. I don’t want to be an armchair strategist, I like focus on practice rather than only say something.
So I think if I want to be a real entrepreneur, motivations, aptitude and attitudes, all of them are important, I should improve all the time. I have to be an optimist to be an entrepreneur.   3

My result:

General profile




Your motivations
Motivation factors determine behavior. They are the underlying reasons that induce someone to act.





Your aptitudes
Aptitudes are natural inclinations, competencies, abilities. Certain aptitudes predispose someone to be an entrepreneur.





Your attitudes
Attitudes are made up of perceptions, our feelings about something. They are judgments we make, ways we look at thing