Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Jeopardy Game for the next session


To          :   Emmanuel

Thru:      John

Jeopardy Game.

As agreed upon yesterday, you and a partner (preferably a lady) are commissioned to conduct a Jeopardy Game (a fun way to review what we have taken up so far.

The coverage shall be:

1.  All special reports so far (until yesterday)  You may ask  "One thousand battles, one thousand victories"  "Modern day Sri Lanka"  etc.

2.  Slideshare lectures of Prof Jorge:

Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Opportunity Seeking, Screening, Seizing

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship

Business Model ImprovementPersonal Mastery

3 There will be two jeopardy.  The first round consists of having all the four groups answer all the questions.  Who gets the highest score.

Then the second jeopardy.  You ask one question and all four groups bet their winnings.  It is a true test of how strategize.

Can we do this in 30 minutes?


Special Report by Ed Vargas - Confucianism

This is the special report by MM Spentrep Student Senior Manager at Meralco commercial operations on Confucianism.  Our moral standards and what we value affect how we conduct business, and lead our own organization. Vicky correctly pointed out that in an entreprise, their symbols say that leaders take care of their people

The food stalls at A Venue are gone - now back to being a parking lot

I visited the A venue at Makati Avenue yesterday to check whether we can have the food trip there being near the H de la Cost campus;  but lo and behold it is gone. What remains is the parking lot.

I found out that the tiangges are money maker both for the tiangge operators and tiangge lessors.  They lessors pay a minimum of P1t per day up to P7t depending on the size.  But of course, there are only days when you hold the tiangge and the bazaar like when its week end or during Christmas season

                                Other sights to behold near A venue

                                   An Audi sportscar -  a head turner

                                   A Moulin Rouge copy cat