Sunday, October 20, 2013

Claim Your Email Prize Now

Kindly open and view the attached file to claim your
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Mr Frank Taylor

Another scam?  A new crime?  What will Frank think of next?

Capital Control by Chase or the government, a la Cyprus?

From Alex Jones Infowars | October 17 2013


Small and corporate accounts of Chase are receiving letters that limit cash withdrawals and wire transfers beginning November 17, 2013.  Alex Jones feasr the start of capital control and the start of Cyprus type of govt gouging/raiding personal accounts

But a Forbes article 2 days ago says that Chase merely wants to manage risks better and to encourage upgrade to a much higher balance account. Forbes thinks Chase is managing its costs and profitability. The fears of depositors are unfounded they say.

However shall we relate this to Chase sale of its NYC tower for $725 million Chinese conglomerate Fosun for $725 million  Is Chase having liquidity problems?

Prof Jorge Saguinsin


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Saturday, October 19, 2013

A strategic paper on power gen did not employ BOS and is not responsive to current development in technology or environmental issues

                            One of the biggest casualty of green energy; to be closed in 2014

I just came across a paper on a power gen in an island province noted for environmental protection and eco tourism.  The plant uses fossil fuel.  The strategy presented is just the old stuff:  better operating efficiency, better logistics, cost control, better marketing to address the load issue.

The following issues have not not been addressed:

1.  The green innovation:  black vs green technology.   The environmentalists, who are plenty in the island are most likely to bother and pester the plant in the years to come.  Black technology (bunker fuel) contributes to global warming and climate change which has been severe lately.

2.  Cheaper green technology.  Solar and wind costs are at par now with old technology.  Solar cap ex is at $4.00 per watt (installed)  Cost to operate is 0

3.  Disturbing trends in Australia and Europe.  They are to shutter down a l gW coal plant in Mallerawang (north of Sydney  because of still carbon tax ($20+ per ton) and changing market situation (stiff competition from rooftop solar panels)  The load factor in black technology in Europe has been on a decline (down to 49% in 2012)   Competition from renewables to shutter a 1GW coal plant in Australia  Is the handwriting on black technology on the wall

Power utilities lost half trillion Euros in 5 years!

At the end of the day, the paper recites the improvement on present business, nothing new, nothing unusual.  No BOS no purple cow.  It will be business as usual