Sunday, May 2, 2021

Country club mentality must be removed from minds of corporate leaders

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Rizal Philippines

Country club mentality ie being complacent must  be removed from the heads of corporate or busiiness honchos.   It must be forever be innovating.  Innovate or die.

This happened to Microsoft which became soft and nearly became micro.  Apple and Google left it in the dust.   Past successes would not carry you to tomorrow and guarantee you a bright future.

Only satisfied customers and or beating competition can guarantee you that.

Innovation continues despite pandemic, politics

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Rizal Philippines

This post was sent email that contined video of interview between TV host O Leary and Alex Green
of Oxford Club.  Alex Green, an investment analyst correctly predicted certain inflection points in the financial world    Some of his observation:

1.  Many continue to invest in USA despite its negative fiscal condition:    high public debt,,  because  it is the center of innovation and continues to be so:   in IT, medicine, pharma etc.

2. This has gone on despite politics and  policies that are anti business;   This will continue despite pandemics and we must not stop investing.

3.  There weill be more wealth to be created in two years time because of entrepreneurship and innovation.
      Example is Moderna which has made quantum leap in vaccine production using M RNA technology.  The M RNA technology does not involve injection of dead virus;   it simply has
MRNA that tells which type of antibodies the body will produce.  

Moderna and other companies are making breakthrough in anti cancer treatment using M RNA

      The companies that have excelled in such innovation made huge gains in their stock prices:   Netflix
       Tesla, Moderna, and Surgical Robotics

     The group of Alex Green continues to watch innovation companies.

The areas to watch are:

1.  Agriculture sector
2.  Robotics
3.  Bio tech
4.  Cable broadband. 

These by the way represents highest demand and usage of consumers

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Review of entrepreneurship - a Slideshare Presentation

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Rial Philippines

It looks to me that I and our staff are sinking into routine.  Its time to dig some old files and presentation on the topic at Slideshare.