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Monday, December 24, 2012

Personal mastery and systems thinking is the strategy

I used to be enamored with strategy early on.  However as I mature as a businessman, strategy is very remote in the mind of the troops/employees.

Thus after I studied Peter Senge "The Fifth Discipline" and there are numerous writings on his works as "The Strategy"  I began to wonder.

Then it sank to me: a computer network or a dozen ipads, or a fleet of vehicles will not make you execute your strategy -  sometimes your organization will make them them all inutile.  In my experience in facilitation for strategy, I can see how people are so stuck in old mindset and systems -  they could not simply let go even if they know that they are standing or lying on a hot pan.  They will always mention how they have done that before.  You can observe their behavior in the workshop or production of outputs or even how they eat or interact what ails their organization

The two disciplines  mentioned above are:   personal mastery (habits) and systems thinking.  These are more important than the objectives and key activities and resources

It is more important for the mentor/strategist to:

1,  Work on the habits/personal mastery and systems thinking (what structures make the people behave in the organization?  The reporting system, the table arrangement, the salaries, rewards?)

2.  Or better work on the pro - motion (as Dr. Ned Roberto said)  work on the action rather than the value system

What do you think?

Can you make your soldiers fight if they are devout religious fanatics (not to kill?)


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