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Monday, February 11, 2013

New management set up for AGSB?

February 9, 2013  | Makati PHL by Prof Jorge

I seldom go to AGSB offices.  The Tuesday class is a H de la Costa, and I only see Perry there;  here at Rockwell, most of the officials are not there on Saturday afternoon. (Another case of train station relationship with the school and colleagues.

As I took my coffee today, I was asked by a colleague, "Do you know?"

Well, I said "No"   That such officer will be only up to the end of March, and that such officer has all ready resigned.  The head of the school will retire by end of the year. There will be new Dean coming from Loyola.

"What will happen to us, to you?"

I said we have to accept the fact that there will be changes.  The President of the University announced, warned as early as two years ago, two weeks into his Presidency to expect new things and changes.  As we profess change in the classrooms among our students, we too must accept change as a fact of life.  As for me, I have a day job;   our contract as facilitator at graduate school of business is @ 60 or 120 days.  Tenure is for Loyola professors only.  So why worry?

But everything will be good for the University as it moves onward towards 2lst century under a new leadership.


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