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Sunday, June 30, 2013

How to talk like a leader?

From Inc by Brian Evje | June 26, 2013

One of the great tools that is used by a leader is his speaking ability.  It must be clear, bold specific, energetic and inspiring.  But not too many leaders pay attention to their speaking ability. I happenned to enrol at Dale Carnegie speech class;   some of our former execs studied at Toastmaster Club (sadly some of them are no longer with us for some problems).

Practice before the actual speech delivery.  If you must have written speech do so.  But it is better if you must speak without a script in front of you.  You look extemporaneous and natural

Some advice tips:

l.  Know what you want.  If you want to succeed, you must know what you want;  What is your objective; what do you want to happen from your speech?

2.  Be positive, use but sparingly

3.  Avoid superlatives or even adjectives.

4.   Avoid the uptone at the end of sentence being used by actors or southeners.

5.  Be clear and specific;  call a spade a spade;  insist on realism.  Speak well and speak clearly


  1. Being a successful leader is really a tough job to handle, but is a self rewarding task also. As you are given a big chance and responsibility
    to take charge of all the people around you, and a self-fulfilling achievement if you were able to raise your marks up and put an influence in other people's minds. At the end of each grueling day, being positive is still the key to succeeding-there's always hope and we should not let difficulties halt us from going up. Instead, we should use these adversities for us to be more persistent and optimistic in life. That' s what Brian Tracy have said, and I guess it is very true. Quitters never win, and Winners do not Quit!
