Showing posts with label closing remarks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label closing remarks. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Closing Ceremonies for the Entrep Classes

AGSB campuses at Rockwell and H de la Costa, March 2013

For the last day of the Entrep class, students were asked to deliver speeches about the class.  For the Spentrep, JP Molina, Cams de la Cruz and  Joseph Cunanan delivered the final words for the class.  Joseph Cunanan,  a Manager at JP Morgan is a Middle Management student who cross enrolled with the Standard Program students.  He said he was glad he took the Entrep class and enjoyed the company of the young students.  He admired the professionalism of the professor who was always ontime and very much prepared in all the sessions.

For the MBAH program last day last Saturday, March 23, 2013, those who said the valedictory remarks were Dr. Lala Miranda and Yen Pangan.  Everybody was in a hurry because it was past 5.

As the final event, the Song Mary, the Graduation song of Ateneo was sung.  It was sort and poignant that it was the last day of class;  especially as I shook their hands as the Song for Mary was sung.  The students move on... and how we wish the academic exercises could have been longer.  Sort of you were not able to bring out the very best.... more things could have been taught. 

Just praying that we helped shape more Masters in Business who will shape a brighter future for the country.

                                  Dra Lala Miranda saying closing remarks for the MBentrep class

                                   Song for Mary at You Tube

                        Dras Elsie  Apple and Lanie lead the MBAH in singing Song for Mary