Sunday, June 30, 2013

Avoid business costly business mistakes - practice due diligence and commit contracts in writing

Let us promote entrepreneuralism

From Inc by Jean Bilik | June 20, 2013

Philippines   |  June 30, 2013

You are a start up entrepreneur;  your heart is on fire and your sales is on a roll and everything is positive.  You are  very positive and you come across all types of people who want to share your success;  some are real but some are street smart who are out to rip you apart.  (not just your pocket)

Jean, the CEO of Knock knock was bilked to the tune of $l.5 million by a mentor and a friend who brokered her manufacturing in China.  She did not watch her transaction with the friend close enough.  Some of her advice so that you will not be gypped:

l.  If it sounds too good to be true, well it is...

2.  Put all contracts into writing, make all conditions prices terms very clear in unmistakeable  terms and language;

3. Only the paranoid survive;  there are no friends

4.  Ask for original documentation (on line processing may be good but you can be fooled)  ask for original vouchers, invoice, deposit slips

Read more on avoiding business mistakes.>>>

What matters most is - a quality product

From venture best

What really matters, what matters most the product - a quality product that meets customer needs and wants.   Getting the customer with marketing ploys, tools, to get them from competitors might work some of the time, get your market share may be counteroductive.

So work hard on the very first part of the Ps of marketing -  your product.  Come out with  quality product.  Improve your system, your processes to deliver the product and prevent the problems from destroying your product quality and reputation

Taking responsibility and leadership to the next level

From Smartblog by Mary Joy Asmus | June 19, 2013

We often say that doing the same thing expecting different results is plain insanity.  But that is what we have been doing.  You get promoted and and you given more pay and you continue doing the same thing you have been doing before.  You continue to be the know it all technocrat;  you are stuck in day to day activities dictating what to do;  rather than engaging in vision, strategy, the next move for your company, new products, innovation.

What can you do:

l.  Take a 360 degree feedback from your stakeholder;

2.  Be in a different place,  do something different to run your group/team;

3. Do it again and again