Friday, August 9, 2013

The strategic plan could be made better (or is no longer concern of senior or professional) lecturer/facilitator

I understand why certain top ranked professors miss out strategic planning of their institutions.

For instance, in the recent conference I attended I saw huge flaws and deficiencies in the the strat plan presented.

Background:   presentations:  A non university unit brought in large revenues.   The various units revenues were not analyzed historically or by segment.   The success areas of the school were not analyzed.

The history of the school, that of differentiating or creating uniqueness, what is so umphhh about the school,(the old) and the new direction, of expanding boundaries  were not included in the strat plan.

The strat plan mainly consisted of complying with certain standards (more of an opplan.?) The comments made on the q and a were not considered. For an institution priding itself in teaching stratman.... 

In the vision statement there were mention of professional school populated by professional (work based instructors).  This was the bone of contention (the elephant in the room) marriages and divorces and concern of many of the staff who were in the room.  The plight of these senior citizens who are bulk of the teaching staff, and who wont do research or follow the academic standards were missed out in the action program

As for addition of entrepreneurs (in the vision statement) while this was added, it was not part of the action program.  Is the entrep subject going to be made more widespread.

While this writer is not a stratma professor, he is fully aware and a student of strategic thinking.  It is present in the entrep subject as entrepreneurs need to be strategic

As this writer does not have control of what is going to happen to the group, he could not care less.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

How to talk like a leader?

From Inc by Brian Evje | June 26, 2013

One of the great tools that is used by a leader is his speaking ability.  It must be clear, bold specific, energetic and inspiring.  But not too many leaders pay attention to their speaking ability. I happenned to enrol at Dale Carnegie speech class;   some of our former execs studied at Toastmaster Club (sadly some of them are no longer with us for some problems).

Practice before the actual speech delivery.  If you must have written speech do so.  But it is better if you must speak without a script in front of you.  You look extemporaneous and natural

Some advice tips:

l.  Know what you want.  If you want to succeed, you must know what you want;  What is your objective; what do you want to happen from your speech?

2.  Be positive, use but sparingly

3.  Avoid superlatives or even adjectives.

4.   Avoid the uptone at the end of sentence being used by actors or southeners.

5.  Be clear and specific;  call a spade a spade;  insist on realism.  Speak well and speak clearly

Interview questions you might want to employ to find out more about your candidates (but did not ask)

From Inc by Suzanne Lucas | June 20, 2013

Hiring is still not a science.  We experience a lot of failures.  Some people do well in the interview but does not even complete the orientation; or is a completely different person on the job. 

Here are some questions that might improve our success rate in hiring.  Some of the questions that you might try:

l.  What would you be 5 years from now in this company?  This determines his goal or stickability in the company or if he/she is goal driven.

2.  What are your failures and who do you think was responsible for this? This reveals much about the personality of the person

3.  Who is your favorite author?  What would be the next book you will read?  Do you travel?  Where was your last destination?  Why did you go there?

4. How would you solve this particular problem  (an operating, marketing, or financial problem)

5.  If the company had this crisis. what would you do?

6.  If you were a traffic sign, what would it be?

7.  Tell me a joke?

8.  (an unstructured instruction)  Can you arrange this deck of cards for me?

9. Why do you want to work here?