Showing posts with label Forbes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forbes. Show all posts

Friday, January 18, 2013

Start up distractions from Forbes (Start up Porn)

From Forbes | by Brent Benshore | October 2012

Here is a reprint of Benshores article entitled "Start up Porn"

He says that an entrepreneur is deluged by details, like you are in a middle of hurricane that need your attention.  Some of them are important, urgent, unnecessary, in this case just like porn. Like porn these stuff can distract you from your objective - to grow and make your venture profitable.

Some of them:

l.  Reading this article

2.  Posting rants in blog and letters to the editor;

3.  Comparing yourself to Mark Zuckerberg;

4.  Expensive calling cards;

5.  Reading your emails 20x a day

Other start up porns; it is a porn if you are addicted to reading this?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tips from Forbes on Business Start ups

From Capital One at Forbes by Barbara Corcoran. December 4, 2012

This may be an old post but is not aged by just one month of posting.  Here are some of the 12 tips you may find useful for managing your start ups:

1,  Dont be afraid to make big mistakes;  It is not how you fall but how you get up;

2.  Small companies are nimbler and can move faster.  Capitalize on that.  Be quick (or be dead)

3.  Take advantage of the social media;

4.  Get of complainers and whiners while early;

5.  Stop procrastinating;

6.  Know what not to do... Read more 12 tips

Practicing Frugality for your Start up from Forbes

From Forbes. Jan 10 2013

You can save a bundle (in cash flow) and save your cash for inventory and sales (lessening need for additional working capital:

l.  Lease, rent;  do not buy;

2.  Let the employees bring in their own device (maybe pay a small amount for the use)  Most young people have their own device;

3.  Sublet from ailing companies;   they have tight cash flow and would be happy to have additional cash flow

4.  Distance working;   people can work from home and distance working works for most people even across countries and time zones.

Capital One by Barbara Corcoran

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

5 Recommended New Year's Resolution for Entreps

From Forbes

Here are five recommended 2013 resolutions for entrepreneurs.

1.  Fire someone.  The guy who is not with you (is against you) who is a free loader --> the guy who is not disciplined who must get off the bus; get achievers in your team

2.  Get an adviser;

3.  Read a book not related to business/entrepreneurship

4.  Be grateful;  thank someone, say more of thank you to the guys around you

5.  Get a corporate credit card (limit of $20t upwards) - can be your lifesaver

Thursday, August 2, 2012

America's Top Colleges - Forbes

Princeton is tops; Harvard is just on top 5. It costs almost $500,000 (roughly PHP 22 million to finish in these top colleges)
America's Top Colleges - Forbes
College costs are soaring, but for students accepted by one of these top institutions, as ranked by educational outcomes, attending is a no-brainer. sent this using ShareThis. Please note that ShareThis does not verify the ownership of this email address.