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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Factors Paper - Cristhel Molina - Spentrep

Hi Sir,

As with the same case of the dry cooking, I have been sending my factors paper to the wrong email for the past 2 weeks. Please see factors paper below.


<Please go over the syllabus well.>

Cristhel Elizabeth A. Molina                                                         January 20, 2014
SPEntrep – Individual Paper 1

Factors for Business Entrepreneurs

What factors I do/ don't posses that make/ do not make me a Business entrepreneur?

            The article written by presents the different characteristics that make an entrepreneur. It listed 10 key factors that an entrepreneur manifests: determination, confidence, action-oriented, passion, ability to see the brighter future, people person, risk-taker, not afraid of failure, opportunity-spotter, and financial thinker. In another article written by, it sites the six factors of an entrepreneur in business. It states that planning; perseverance, risk management, enthusiasm and belief, levelheaded approach, and relishing challenges are the key components in entrepreneurship. Now, which of these factors do I see in myself and which one do I lack?

            According to an entrepreneurial personality quiz in, I scored an 8 out of 21, with a feedback saying that if you scored less than 13, it means that I should consider being entrepreneurial instead of becoming an entrepreneur. The main explanation for this is due to the fact that I am not comfortable with taking day-to-day risks. On another assessment tool found in, I measured my entrepreneurial instinct by answering a series of situational questions on openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. According to the assessment, I have an above average entrepreneurial instinct.

            From the different Internet entrepreneurial assessment quizzes, I believe that this only shows me that a definition of what an entrepreneur should be cannot be specifically contained. Yes, they posses key characteristics, but that is not the only thing that defines them. It is their ability to think outside of the box and make opportunities that makes them truly entrepreneurial.  They do not fit in, they stand out.

            My results are actually contradictory of each other. "How can an impatient, risk-averse person have an above average entrepreneurial instinct?", one may ask. If I were to be assessed as an entrepreneur, I would most certainly not fit the mold. I am the kind of person who likes guidelines, who like specific instructions, and who likes the traditional way of excellence. However, I also know that I have the ability to see an opportunity when everyone else sees failure. I can deduce situations and look at it as a bigger picture rather than the sum of its parts. I see my shortcomings as opportunities to grow. For instance, my immense ability to stay interested in one thing can be seen as impatience or inability to stay in focus. However, I see it as an avenue in how to improve routines or keep looking for different kinds of motivation that can lead to different aspirations.  < good analysis, reflection>

            In a video lecture of Anthony Robbins once shown to me by my boyfriend, he talks about taking massive action in order to reach your goals in life. He also talked about motivation and how there is not only one motivation that keeps you going, because we have many goals in life, which has different motivations that drive them. He says that if we don't continue growing, we don't continue living.

            I may not be the entrepreneur that is defined by or by I may not be the textbook example of what an entrepreneur is, but that does not mean that I can be one. In class, it was said that entrepreneurs are born, but I believe that entrepreneurs can also be made through the years. I was not raised to be an entrepreneur; in fact, I was raised to be a doctor. In my mother's eyes, she gave birth to me so I can be a surgeon. However, we don't always end up doing what we were "born" to do, sometimes, we discover along our life's journey that we want to do something else. 3


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