Friday, May 30, 2014

The Lord Puts You Where He Needs You

Angono, Rizal Philippines   |  May 30, 2014

Here I am Lord

"The Good Lord puts you where you are needed"

I heard this earlier when a newly appointed officer explained the circumstances behind his new appointment and as he welcomed his staff.  The Lord puts you where you are useful, and where you can use your gifts to do good to others.   Well and good.

However of late, I ran counter to the objectives of an organization and I had no choice:  either comply or quit.  I chose the later. Our middle managers can only say, no choice except to follow. Maybe the Good Lord has nice way of saying when its over is time to quit.

The time to say goodbye to teaching entrepreneurship in a respectable institution has come to an end.  No amount of passion, no amount of rich content can guarantee success.

All good things has an end. And the Lord puts you where you are needed

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