Showing posts with label Ducttape marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ducttape marketing. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How to Get Your Customers to Compete With Each Other and Why You Should

From: John Jantsch
Date: Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 9:09 PM
Subject: [Duct Tape] How to Get Your Customers to Compete With Each Other and Why You Should

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- Feb 27, 2013 - Duct Tape Marketing News

Free Guide: The Handy Tool Kit for Launching & Measuring a Remarkable Campaign
As marketers, we put a lot of effort into planning and launching campaigns. But sometimes our results fall short.
Whether you're just getting started, or looking to improve the effectiveness of your current campaigns, this tool kit will help you ensure you're driving the best possible results.
Get Your Free Guide Here
Cool Tools
Tools, links and services we found this week

MagicFuture - Suite of goal setting, habit forming and future planning tools.
Drafts - Interesting note taking app that integrates with lots of actions, networks and services.
Yiftee - local gift service allows you to send local gifts to people from your mobile.

PodcastRandy Gage joins the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast to explain why playing it safe is the biggest risk of all. Listen now

Featured Story

How to Get Your Customers to Compete With Each Other and Why You Should
By John Jantsch
Build A Small Business Plan
So, I'm thinking the title of this post may have brought you here out of curiosity if nothing else, but I assure you the following concept possesses immense opportunity for the creative thinking marketer.
Read the Rest at Duct Tape Marketing

Marketing Links
Posts from my personal blog reader

Your Stuff Is Probably Good Enough
Small business owners and entrepreneurs create new stuff everyday. And the feeling that a business, product or service is their "baby" leads to constant fussing over making it good enough, better or perhaps the best.: from Duct Tape Marketing
How to Generate Leads With Video Marketing
Do you want to attract high-quality leads with social media? Many business owners see a drop-off in new leads because they stop thinking strategically about conversions.: from Social Media Examiner
Referral Engine ProThis issue of the Duct Tape Newsletter is sponsored by Referral Engine Pro. The power of glitzy advertising and elaborate marketing campaigns is on the wane; word- of-mouth referrals are what drive business today.More info here
Total Online Presence
Listening to the conversation online

5 Essential Skills for Today's Online Marketer
What are the most important skills for an online marketer, blogger or professional?: from Chris Garrett

Small Business
Trends in Small Business

Rehearsing failure, rehearsing success
The active imagination has no trouble imagining the negative outcomes of your new plan, your next speech or that meeting you have coming up.: from Seth Godin

Duct Tape Marketing
1800 Central
Ste 203
Kansas City, Missouri 64108
United States
(866) 382-8273

Prof Jorge Saguinsin



Follow profjorge at:

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Why is it important to expand your email list

From ducttape marketing

It is very important for companies to have prospects.  No prospects  --> no sales.  Some of your very important prospects can be from your email listing. But the churn rate is high some 30% who do not read your email marketing.

So it is very important to keep on adding to that list.  How?

Offer free with opt in

l.  Iphone or android apps

2.  SMS

3.   QR codes (can come with a free offer)

Find out more creative ways to expand email list 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

[Duct Tape] The Only Path to Sustainable Growth

How you profitably spend your time.

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From: John Jantsch <>
Date: Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 9:07 PM
Subject: [Duct Tape] The Only Path to Sustainable Growth

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- Dec 5, 2012 - Duct Tape Marketing News

An Introductory Guide: How to Use Twitter for Business
42% of Twitter users follow brands or companies -- is your business one of them?
Download our comprehensive ebook to learn, step-by-step, how to tackle Twitter as a business tool.
Download Now
Cool Tools
Tools, links and services we found this week

iCharts - Nice tool for creating and sharing data driven stories and graphics.
Dashboard Junkie - Free Google Analytics dashboards that make it easier to display the most meaningful data.
PinGraphy - Pinterest Management tool for brand that allows you to schedule pins.

fileboardEngagement Tool for Bloggers: Use Related Content by Wordnik to show related posts directly beneath your content to increase visitor time on site, pageviews, and SEO-rich links. Highlight your most relevant content, giving your visitors more to read and discover. Install now

Featured Story

The Only Path to Sustainable Growth
By John Jantsch
Build A Small Business Plan
Sustainable growth comes from doing more of what really creates growth and less of what you get pulled into in the name of growth. Your business doesn't care how you spend your day - only you can determine the most profitable use of the only unrenewable resource available - your time.
Read the Rest at Duct Tape Marketing

Marketing Links
Posts from my personal blog reader

Using Dashboards to Drive What Matters
A dashboard is such an important concept when it comes to easily accessing the health of a business.: from Duct Tape Marketing
Why Your Marketing is Not Working
I get lots of questions about marketing. "What new techniques should I be using to grow my business? I have been (blogging) (Tweeting) (attending a networking group), and I don't seem to be getting many results.": from Pamela Slim
duct tape marketing coachThis issue of the Duct Tape Newsletter is sponsored by the Ultimate Marketing System. Does your business need more leads, sales, and control of your marketing? More info here
Total Online Presence
Listening to the conversation online

Is it Time for Content Marketers to Abandon Facebook?
If you spend time on Facebook, you've seen a great weeping and gnashing of teeth as Pages realize that they're only reaching a tiny sliver of their audiences with each post.: from copyblogger

Small Business
Trends in Small Business

The Value Of Links
It will be ten years in 2013 that I first started blogging. Prior to blogging, I have a very clear memory of when hyperlinking started happening online.: from Twist Image

Duct Tape Marketing
1800 Central
Ste 203
Kansas City, Missouri 64108
United States
(866) 382-8273

Prof Jorge Saguinsin

Thursday, October 4, 2012

From Ducttape Marketing - How to sell through story telling

Go Negosyo.

From Ducttape Marketing

This is a story on how to sell using stories.

I am reminded of 4 things:

l.  When I was detailman of leading PHL pharma companies, my senior encouraged me to remember jokes;  he even gave me a joke book to memorize so that the Doctors would remember me, and our company products;

2.  In the Dale Carnegie course, public speaking, the 2 minute speech is nothing more than a story telling event that should be interesting to the listener.  Thinking that your pitch is a story makes the sales pitch colorful and compelling;  and its should be brief.

3.  The business plan is a story;  the elevator speech is a headline story you tell to your investors/vcc.

4.  Fr. Ben, fmr President of Ateneo used to tell that leadership is repeating stories/fables of the society of the exploits and traits valued most by the society.   Therefore, you must learn to make stories around your product and company.

For this link, the author was sold the chair because the maker/artist told him the story about the 360 year old maple tree that was rotting and how it was made into a chair.

Can you think of stories about your company?  About your product?

Do you think the suggestion will work?

Selling through story telling