Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Crypto is supposed to be stable storage of value as substitute for currency; but joined market crash last Monday, lost over $500 billion

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Crypto loses $500 billion in value - joins market crash   Crypto agents said that its value could reach $200,000.  But with the global market crash, its just at $50,000 vicinity.   

One of the arguments for crypto is that it can be good substitute vs currency and as stable as gold and other precious metals.  But in the stock market route, crypto joined the stocks in the crash.  Perhaps, in the carry trade which is unravelling because of rise in Bank of Japan interest and rise in yen value,  some of them were invested in crypto.  Funds are probably ditching their crypto position.   

So the conservatives;  Dimon,  Buffett SEC were right about crypto.  My initial reaction to crypto is that it is not real.  Probably drug and gambling lords use crypto for Money Laundering.   You do not know where it is.   The crash in crypto values were similar to 2022 when FTX fraud were discovered.   

So be careful of investment of crypto.  I had a classmate who worked at ADB.  It was reported that she parlayed P500,000 to P14M but later on lost everything.   How sad.

I remember the advice of olds -  DO NOT INVEST IN ANYTHING YOU DO NOT FULLY UNDERSTAND.   

I dont think this post undersand crypto well enough

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Took a long arduous trip for a closure in a negotiation, and to endorse the same

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

This post left early morning yesterday to go on a long rip to a tourist town in Region 1 for closure.   Our group was unceremoniously dumped by a pair of relatives who owned a 5 hectare for a possible memorial park.  

They did not agree to our proposed sharing and curtly categorically said in messenger that they did not want the deal, and secondly, gave  us a deadline on a govt permit that was taking time with an ultimatum of "forgetting it"  

I went to the place, met with one of the relatives who works for a a BPO in MM.  I said we, our group
company business is exiting for personal reasons because of what we all ready know as bad communications regarding the deal and endorsing this with a new group who can take over

The replacement was again shown the land, the right of way, and the three memorial parks and 1 public cemetery

Unusual design of gate and fence of a memorial park

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

On the way to a tourist town, we saw in Sta Ignacia an unusual desgin of a memorial park with  slats of horizonal  flatbar, skylights to an overhead acrylic roof, plenty of solo shrubs of different color and fences with unusual graphic lines and shapes:    black white, brown, grey.

It will surely attract attention.    Answers one of the criteria of  good business -  being unusual and extra ordinary.