Showing posts with label Tesla. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tesla. Show all posts

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Quo vadis car industry: ICE, EV, or fuel cells, or hybrid?

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

The current car industry provide jobs to thousands others, affecting various sectors:  tires, spare parts, steel, upholstery, paint, chemicals and more   The decline of car manufacturing in Detroit caused  the decay of certain cities and towns.

So there are 4 directions for the car industry to take:   stay at ICE (Internal Combustion Engine), EVs (like Tesla BYD from China)  Fuel Cell (like Toyota) and Hybrid (to be taken by Honda, Toyota, and Tesla)

Tesla said that because of intense China competition, it is leaving EVs and go into hybrids/fuel cells.

Toyota and I agree, to pursue fuel cells

What do you think

Saturday, May 13, 2023

EV will kill the ICE automotive industry

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

It has been noted that sales of Internal Combustion Engine vehicles is on the decline.  The finances of General Motor is on the decline.

It could be caused by entry of EV vehicles.   EV from China and Tesla (USA) are on price war making the EV more affordable.   BYD of China has EV of $10k making this more affordable.

The lack of moving parts sees no need for parts and maintenance business making a big dent on the profitable side of ICE manufacturers.  () maintenance)

What is going to the ICE EV industry.?   Are they going to disappear?

Monday, November 15, 2021

Changing fortunes of times - Who is now the biggest automaker?

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Before they used to be Toyota, VW, BMW.  They are no longer the automaker giants.  It is now TESLA whose market cap topped trillion

The reasons for this bull run were:
1.  Record profits;
2.  Tesla topped ICE sales in Europe
3.  Hertz coming out of bankruptcy buying 100,000 TESLA units

This development reflect the growing awareness of decarbonizing the  planet earth (to stop global warming and flooding of coastal areas) and severe climate change.

But Toyota is resisting this wave of change.  It favors fuel cells, and does not favor total disregard of ICE (Internal Combustion Engine)

The fortunes of TESLA reflect the gtowing consciousness that we should stop the carbon emitters like ICE, coal power plants.  (We havent figured out how to dispose the dead batteries and sourcing of rare earth metals for the batteries.  The mining of these minerals will mean more destruction of forests and even water resources)