Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Innovation roadblocks that must be broken through

From Innovation excellence

There is the Edisonian myth that it took 10.000 tries to discover the incandescent lamp.  It is no way to run innovation these days.. We simply do not have the luxury to make that l0,000 tries.  Innovation has to made more efficient and faster.  Fustest with the mostest says Peter Drucker.

Drucker notes that it is a rigorous and disciplined process to innovate.

How to achieve the breakthrough:

l.  It is not just about ideas.  The focus is on solution to a problem.  So it does not matter whether it is 3 or 300 or 3000 ideas.  It is the solution that accounts.

2. It is not an event -  It is not a brainstorming or a new idea day. It is about solid improvement for the business product, process, or customer service to make it responsive and unique

3.  It cant be just  iPhone or disruptive new product.  It could be kaizen or incremental improvements on product or processes. Edison did not discover the light bulb;  he improved on existing discoveries on the light bulb

4.  R & D owns it -  Not true.  All employes across the board can innovate.

5.  It is out of reach  -  like the disruptive innovation of Clayton Christiansen of HBS.  Just anybody who puts his heart and understanding the business, and understanding that his primary responsibility is to improve himself and the business, then he can be part of the innovation effort.

Are you part of the innovation in your company?

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