Saturday, January 19, 2013

More pictures of food preparation activity of MBAH 10B

                             Th almost all boys group had ceramic knife:  Dr. Sherwin,  <Roslyn>Ramir, Deo and Bong

Why is food preparation the topic for creativity?  Because the food industry is the biggest industry.  Everybody loves to eat.  Food is the easiest to manipulate in creativity:   garments, wood, metal, would be difficult to do.  AGSB does not have resources for this.  No such lab.  3D printing would not do;  there is none good in 3d or CAD.

Here are some of the frentic activities in food preparation by the class.   Some did this in as little as 30 minutes. (None tried to borrow an oven toaster from the canteen?)

                                    Dra Hope and Dr. Thea discussing cooking strategy

                       Dra Peachy says this is her first time to cook, maybe she will do again tomorrow?

                              Dr. Abel and Arnyl collaborating at non medical activity

                                 Dra Lala mulling her next move;  her next great idea.

                                  Mostly Boys except for Roslyn

                                    The iron chefs at Room 210

     Dra. Peachy remarked that this is her first time to cook.  She asked me where I go the bell pepper.  Maybe she will do this for her guests tomorrow.  She said too that this brought out creativity in the group working together.

Maybe this is relaxing;   away form medical work and books.  I have believed entrepreneurship is about learning to do.  What could be a better way of teaching product design and prototyping than by cooking.

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