Monday, March 11, 2013

FoodTrip Report by JP Molina - Sentrep

JP Molina                                                                                                                                 Prof. Jorge Saguinsin
Food Trip
My mom thought me that I should always finish my food because they are blessings from God. Last March 5,2013, I almost didn't follow my mom because of the many dishes that I had to try on our "Food Trip".
Our Entrep class went to A.venue Mall in Makati to try 3 different themes and 3 different restaurants to experience entrepreneurship at its purest form.
Parking Lot
Our first stop was street food at a converted parking lot beside A.venue Mall. We had a taste of middle eastern food plus a mix of Filipino delicacies like empanada and isaw.
The parking lot had a relaxing ambiance. It wasn't too crowded (probably because it was still early), there were unique lights which were dimmed and monoblock tables and chairs covered by big tents.
I believe the key here is the number of stalls that people can choose from. Variety gives the customers more options on what he wants to eat. Plus the place was a bit dark which studies show, helps in the tasting of food. When your eyesight is diminished, your other senses take over. In this case, your sense of smell and taste is heightened.
I also noticed a stage where bands could perform and this got me thinking what the place could look like when there is a good band, more people, plus great food at a simple dining venue. This is really a place where you can relax.
During busy days, the seating capacity might be a bit short so I noticed that there were stalls that were selling garments. I think if we were going for a dining experience the garment stalls are not related that's why I think this could be converted to more seats if the need arises. However as a businessman, the seats could be based on the normal number of people who come to the place and thus the excess space could've been creatively rented out to others to make more money.
The food itself wasn't all that good in my opinion. The pig isaw didn't taste good because we felt that it wasn't washed properly. The chicken isaw and bell pepper were good though and the empanada was just average.
The price was affordable but it wasn't cheap at all. I said affordable because you could easily pay for it but it wasn't cheap because the quality of the food available was better than average. All in all, I'd say you get what you pay for.
The overall consideration for going to this place is the ambiance of a laid back place where you and your barkada can go to before or after parties. Have snacks, a few drinks, and chill.
Next stop is this Korean restaurant "Donna Donna" which serves Korean BBQ. It was located walking distance from the parking lot and from outside you could tell that it was a cozy establishment. I've always liked restaurants with glass walls because it gives me that inviting feeling that says "come in". Donna Donna is exactly like that
There was parking space which hints that its target are the people from B and C who also have cars. Inside you see different Korean ornaments that give the store that Korean feel. Also a Korean flag and Philippine Flag is painted side by side on a wall.
The food was served by the staff raw because they will grill the meat in front of you. There were free side dishes (I think it was called Banchan) which I feel are customary for Korean restaurants these days.
The owner "Donna" was kind enough to serve us and cook the food in front of us. I guess she noticed who the alpha male was so she went to the side of our professor. She engaged us in casual conversation and from there we found out that the restaurant had been running for 5 years already and she started it the year she came to the Philippines (talk about entrepreneurial mindset).
She was very warm and hospitable which was surprising a bit because Koreans are not known for their hospitality. This reminds me of a case study I've read about the Red Crab Group.
The owner of the Red Crab Group tells that their first restaurant was in Clark, Pampanga and the ambiance reflected the personality of the owner which at that time was here mother.
In the restaurant, the same situation is apparent. Donna Donna is really Donna!
For the price however, I think the food was expensive. When you go there you have to be prepared to spend about 300-500 pesos per head depending on the number of guests.
The taste was so-so compared with other Korean restaurants I go to. The Kimchi wasn't all that good but what I like about it was you know that the BBQ was fresh as it was cooked in front of you.
The Ssambbap (BBQ which was wrapped in veggies) was tasty though I think it should've contained rice.
Overall the place was average meaning I won't go to Makati just to eat there because there are a lot more places who offer better value but if I happen to be in the neighborhood, I won't think twice if someone invites me for lunch there.
Our next destination is dessert back at A.Venue Mall. We decided to have coffee and pastries at Goldilocks.
This particular branch of Goldilocks wasn't made for dine-in customers. They served coffee in disposable cups and they had no utensils for pastries. But the most glaring is that they do not have tables and chairs which meant if you buy, get out.
Good thing is that Domino's Pizza is a sister company of Goldilocks and they were kind enough to let us use their space outside. Goldilocks for their part provided us with forks so that can eat their cake.
It was like a boodle fight (eating tradition in the army) because there were no plates whatsoever and we were left to get our food from the cake itself straight to our mouths.
The ambiance was almost the same as the parking lot because we were eating outside and we were just relaxing from a night full of light bonding moments.
The cake was okay, around 7 out of 10 while the coffee was nothing to cheer about because it was instant. But the people that were there with me was the nicest part of the store (my classmates).
The price was affordable but what I could point out is the inconvenience because as I've said, it wasn't made for sitting customers.
Things I learned from this trip was the venues  made their establishments attractive to their target market. In all 3 venues that we went to, they were all different but what I could notice is that they appeal to certain classes of people.
For the Parking lot, it was for yuppies who are from work who probably wants to get some no frill snacks, or probably hang out with friends. For the Donna Donna, it was for the B and C class in Makati who wants a different theme for food while goldilocks was really for take-out customers who want to bring home pasalubong to their loved ones.
The most important and personal thing I've learned though is that people enjoy any venue as long as they are with people they enjoy to be with.
I wouldn't dream of going to some of the places that I eat at but if by chance I go there with people I enjoy, then that would mean the difference.
As a future entrepreneur who wants to put up his own food business, this is important for me. I must make my venue as inviting as possible to groups of people who want to have a good time. Dining out is not just about making your stomach full but it should be an experience for you and the people close to you.

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