Monday, May 6, 2013

Faculty Meeting of Central Management and Economics Cluster

Rockwell Ctr, Makati City, PHL   |  May 6, 2013

                                Ms. Constantino making her presentation on the PAASCU thing

I attended the meeting of Central Management Cluster under Prof W. Constantino last May 2, 2013.   I consistently failed to attend the meetings she called for because of conflicts of schedule.  Her agenda was mainly about action plan on the PAASCU accreditation.

They are about:

l.  PhD scholarship

2.  Research:

        l.  Publication
        2.   Student work publication

However, this  raised question on the career path being envisioned for GSB professor, the academic orientation of  PAASCU accreditation vs the work based qualification of most of current
GSB professors, and lack of tenure of part time professors (contract is every semester only)  There is a disconnect.  Those who are over 60 (like me) and busy in their work could not care less regarding this development/question.

 Those are  Prof Noemi Martin (fmr student) and Winne facing the camera

                 Dr. Tony the chair of MBE wearing white shirt;  Prof Marivic and Dr. Lydia King

                               Cluster Chair  Prof  Winnie Constatino

                                Profs. Sebastian, Drs Neo and Lydia King

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