Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Factors paper second version from Zhao Yanan

Good afternoon sir
Last week I sent one version factors paper about myself analysis Entrep,I think it is not good ,so I do again ,please double check, thank you very much.

I use the internet to do myself assessment, through it I can see that General profile is almost close to score of entrepreneurs.
<![if !supportLists]>l  <![endif]>Motivations part, it is higher, because I am an outgoing person, I always doing something seriously. In office, when we face difficult situation, I will think about at least 2or 3 solutions to solve the problem. I like to lead others, and I prefer my own boss, so the power/control appeal score is very high. When I take project, I like challenge myself, even though most of time not successful, however, too much appeals to be a little sufficiency. It is not good.
<![if !supportLists]>l  <![endif]>Aptitudes part: I always give the best myself what I do, I believe it is one of the important aptitudes, for me, everything is possible if I believe I can do it. One time ,we have meeting in SOFITEL, but the price is higher than we expect, so I go to hotel to negotiate with them face to face around four hours, and email to them more than ten times, Finally ,they agree the price we gave .It can be seen that I am perseverance .But when I working in stressful condition. I am not good at relax quickly. If I want be the entrepreneur, I should have good resistance to stress.
<![if !supportLists]>l  <![endif]>Attitudes part: I am enthusiasm. So most of time I can influence others to give decision. I don’t want to be an armchair strategist, I like focus on practice rather than only say something.
So I think if I want to be a real entrepreneur, motivations, aptitude and attitudes, all of them are important, I should improve all the time. I have to be an optimist to be an entrepreneur.   3

My result:

General profile




Your motivations
Motivation factors determine behavior. They are the underlying reasons that induce someone to act.





Your aptitudes
Aptitudes are natural inclinations, competencies, abilities. Certain aptitudes predispose someone to be an entrepreneur.





Your attitudes
Attitudes are made up of perceptions, our feelings about something. They are judgments we make, ways we look at thing



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