Saturday, October 5, 2013

Twitter co founder Williams may be a billionaire after IPO

From CBS Local | October 4, 2013

Twitter Co Founder Evan Williams may end up a billionaire after Twitter's proposed IPO.  Williams was Twitter CEO for two years until the current Dick Costolo took over in 2010.   Williams 12% holdings amounts to 56.50 million shares and at $20.62 valuation, he might be worth $1.2 billion.  Williams is 41 years old and is creditted for having done Blogger.  (That is why he worked for Google for a while)

Noah Glass, who invented the name twitter, and the other idea men - Jack Dorsey (he had the original idea) and Biz Stone never came up in the disclosure statement.  So what does it take to be a billionaire?

These guys like Zuckerberg are lucky for being there at the right time.

Are they born, made or lucky?

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