Saturday, February 8, 2014

Prof Joevic Passi led the Victoria Court Case analysis

Iloilo City |  February 8, 2014

                                         Our professor for today for Victoria Court, Prof Joevic

Mr Joevic Passi was assigned to be the lead discussant for the case analysis today -  Victoria Court.  Assigning a student to be leader in case analysis forces the student to study the case very well, and imitate the professor, and practice critical thinking. 

I like the Victoria court because it is a fun case.  It is distractive and can lead the student away from clear appreciation of the  fact and clear thinking.  He may think forward, laugh and disregard the data and relate the case to naughty things, and end up with wrong conclusion. 

Today, we agreed that the the main protagonist failed in his bid to reposition the motel into a wholesome family oriented/hotel/motel.  There were 3 important things that the management failed ot change,and thus failed to change the position completely.  At the end of the day, it is about business entrepreneurship and brand equity, money and cash flow count.

                                Prof Joe interrogating his classmates;  critical thinking at work?

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