Sunday, March 9, 2014

Factors that should make a Successful Entrepreneur by Marlon Pizarro - AGSB Clark

Before i was sent here in Clark, Pampanga to manage one of our business, i was working in DasmariƱas and Bacoor, Cavite handling our two gas stations and one motor hotel. Back in college, i was a constant student leader and fortunately, end up as our school's Student Executive Council President. I also do lay-out and graphic designing on the side (made steamers and billbaords) and sometimes host events when i got a free time.

Upon taking the entrepreneurial test, the results caught me off guard. i was expecting a high result but any of my personality traits did not pass through even the average level. Just sad.

Achievement Striving

It's says on my result that i place slightly less importance to my goals. When i was backtracking what i've been doing, it all suddenly struck me. Yes, i have set my goals before but have i've been eyeing it from the start or i get easily distracted with my environment specially my peers? Drinking, partying and socializing dominated most of my after graduation life. This result should serve as a heads up for me if i want to be successful before reaching my 30s.


The result says i have a low level of handling pressure or stress but i always thought that i get my brain juice going when i'm cramming and i know i have already tested myself on this. haha. Maybe i can be better if i avoid pressure instead and lately i also noticed that handling stress really gets me on my peek. i have been depressed because of this and being depressed only proves that i am not good at handling stress.


i am not surprised i have a low level of passion. The business i'm handling now is not out of what i want. it's a family business, i have to like it, love it and do it. i also don't base my decisions on what i feel emotionally because i believe that it is a form of weakness and could destroy the professional decision i am always rooting for.

Taking Control

I was speechless when i read the result. Everything that was written is correct and all me. Even though a lot of people see me as a leader, i often doubt myself. i'm always scared of the "what happens next". I'm only confident if i can clearly see the outcome of my decisions, i know, contrary to an entrepreneur, i'm not a good risk taker. i often try to reduce risk before jumping to it.


For a graphic/lay-out artist, i got creativity as my lowest!!! i can't believe it at first but i thought, creativity doesn't mean someone is good with colors or designs. Creativity means that a person can innovate ideas and think things through in a new way. I admit it, i always go for "what is in the book" and traditional acts, maybe because i was thinking that these acts have been done and tested and the results are good. Making new ideas or acts gives us risks and like in my "Taking Control" part, i am not good with risks.

The results made me realize i have a lot to improve in order for me to be a successful entrepreneur. it also gave me hope that these traits are trainable and achievable. Yes, i was shocked and sad when i saw the results but it also motivated me that growing and progressing is a never ending process. Someday, with this guide, i can say i am successful.  (sometimes test are not very reliable  3)



Safety Officer

Unit 701 Alabang Business Tower, 1216
Acacia Avenue, Alabang, Muntinlupa City, 1770

No. 27 Lily Hill Plaza, C.M. Recto Highway,
Clarkfield, Pampanga

t:  +63.2.556.8121   ALABANG
    +63.45.499.2228 CLARK
f:  +63.2.556.8267

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