Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Moral support for AGSB Clark Students

Rizal  | Philippines  | March 5, 2014

 Prof Danny B invited this professor to give support to AGSB Clark students who would have dialog with their previous professor and the Cluster Head at 5 pm of March 3, 2014.  I did come early, before 5 pm to give moral support to the student who will argue their case with the professor and the cluster head.  Prof Danny B and I previously had seen the Dean about this, but he suggested that this be settled at the teaching staff cluster head.  If he intervenes, he would have to form a committee which may decide differently from every ones expectation.

Several professors were there who asked questions and some were sympathetic with the student's case, and one was joking vs the students.

When the Chair arrived, he shooed all the faculty away, decrying faculty meddling.   So we were left and on they went with their dialog.

It is quite different when we teach at professional school.  At the undergraduate level, we are teaching undergraduates without achievements in life.  But the GSB, we are teaching people who in terms of achievement accomplished more than we ever know, and here we are judging them by a different standard.

I am humbled by the achievements of some of our students, and we are happy when they listen to our little wisdom.  Some of them are not here to learn more but to get certifications and to socialize or even just for guanxi.

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