Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Is moving on advanced information illegal - insider trading (from Billions)

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Do you rely on available information to trade or invest, or a new one which the public or the rest does not know?  But latter would be insider trading which is illegal.   A farmer who fed  Axe information on  pharma product (but whose hospital bills were paid for by Axe)  was charged with Federal offense.

Taylor argued with Axe when Axe invested in energy after Krakow (now the Secretary of Treasury) gave him information that soon Feds would encourage growth of Renewables.  Thus Axe hurried to invest in Energy..  Of course in exchange for the information he wants to get paid in an offshore account
Taylor argued that investments should be made on solid research information at hand.

So do you invest in what is tried and true and what is available at google, or something that is not yet
tried on true.  Is trading on information  (even advanced information) from grapevine illegal.

Wendy was also in hot water after hearing in a meeting that a company would be going down (its shares
would take a beating) thus investing in a short.    

SEC the state attorney was quick to pounce on Wendy.  

What is your take on too much power of the state to regulate. 

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