Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Throwback - how to commit a crime

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

This starts the semester.  How to plan for a crime, a group, a collaborative effort by teams.
(There are teams/groups because one has to overcome group dynamics when you are in corporate setting)

I got this idea from a former prof on Problem Solving.   Criminals who are one step ahead of law enforcers prepare meticulously for a crime, have ROI computation, seek financiers, practice well 
and ask cohorts to memorize what to do under a precise timetable, lest the operations will fail.  They also have elaborate exit strategies -  how to escape, and legal remedies when they are caught.

If criminals can do this, how about legit businessmen?  Is there an excuse for not planning or executing well.  It is only on whose side of the law and morality you are in.

Since it is a crime, the students were more motivated less restrained in the planning and execution.   

This set the tone for excitement and what is to come ahead for the semester.  It is the entree for better
things to come

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