Sunday, May 26, 2024

What is the direction of trends?

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Those who correctly guessed the direction of the industry made it big.

Apple, Steve Jobs correctly predicted that the cellphone is going to be the main platform for the homes.  Not TV, not the PC.  So Dell not matter how hard it tries, will not be able to push production of PC to exceed Apple.  Nokia failed because it relied so much on Symbian OS and missed the IOS and the Android OS.  The TV manufacturers are struggling.   Toshiba, Sharp and Panasonic saw failures of TV
manufacturing.  The  appliance manufacturers missed the trend

The current markets in turmoil are:

        Cars energy:     Batteries  fuel cells?  Hybrid.  My guess is hydrogen fuel  (fuel cell)

        RE -  solar, wind?  Or any new technology? or wave.   Hybrid:   solar and wind

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