Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Why do people buy? Distinction between wants and needs

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Why do people buy?

1.  Is it due to wants or needs?

     Needs are basic:   biological, food, shelter, self actualization

     Wants are minute distinction in needs.  It is an area where marketers work

2   People buy because  of

    1. Emotion  not logic.   Because of pride, anger, jealousy, avarice

    2.  Scarcity  --  last one, limited time, limited stock, offer  -- thus we hoard, stockpile

    3.  Threat  - safety of family, home, during typhoon, earthquake, medical emergencies, death

    4.  Authority -  experts say, Professor So and so endorsed   endorsed by Pamet

Why did you buy something?  Did anyone of these affect your buying decision

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