Thursday, June 6, 2024

When and how do you exit from your business investment

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

For the sake of discussion and learning, we talked about a colleague and friend who made about P3-4 million into what has become a famous organic farm.  Initially somebody offered  P35 -40 million for her 3.5 hectare property located some 50+ km from our town.

Now she wants P100M+ as the only possible deal  We said that it is not possible.  That price of about P3+ per square meter would seem to be a price of someone who is not selling   Maybe a P1,500 to P2,000 /sm would be a more feasible price.   Since she/we are all ready old.

If it is going to be a residential or farm lot project, 30% of the land has still to be set aside and the investor would need cost of money or ROI

What do you think:   1.  Sell at P1=2,000/sm           2.  Sell at P3K/sm?

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