Saturday, July 13, 2024

From Zero to Zillions - this is remarkable and uplifting

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

From a stalled project to a project that yields  10 numbers this is remarkable.   Especially when the numbers were distributed:   how much would they get from the project.   The team members became clearer, the work to be accomplished seemed clearer and faster to conceptualize and delineate. 

This post proved this as he continues the conversation on the project.  It was rejected by the main proponent.   The parties had a spat and there was falling out due to hasty action by the land owner.   However they wish to continue the project.   The project turned to zero.   

This post had to think hard how to continue because the numbers were good.   It could be a 10 digit revenue project.   So options were brainstormed:     the land owner borrows money;   look for a contractor and funder.   The latter was welcomed and the contractor and the funder were found.   The founder initially agreed;  we talked to the contractor today.   We rattled off the numbers and upped some numbers and were motivated enough.  Now we have 1.   We have something to aspire for and work hard for in the next 5 years.    Rather than having 0

Without the thinkers, visionaries, the strategists, the entrepreneurs, how the world would be..?

It is nice to pursue the path for entrepreneurs.  

As per Thiel, avoid competition.   Put up a business that is a monopoly  that has no competition.   It is unique and remarkable.  One of a kind.   But most including myself just want routine jobs, and not to be extraordinary

Competition is for losers.

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