Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Paying back what society for your prosperity, CSR, putting up foundations and safety net

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

The Dr. whom it met yesterday reminded me of this tenet:   paying forward and/or backward, CSR.  The good doctor told me:   he is the MD probono for Jesuits and RVM.  His aunt has a memorial park in an island province whose revenues is donated to a foundation in honor of their grandfather, a former governor of the province.  

 The developed countries know this that you cant forever take the money of host country by expoerting them goods.  You have to help them get to their feet, make them productive so that they become prosperous and become a bigger market for you exports.  So Japan has JICA that helps through soft loans, and or bilateral aid to build roads bridges.   You see their nameplates in many roads, bridges and fly over.   Americans have USAID (but is probably used for other operations)

Japan exports National appliances here in the Philippines and sells Toyotas and Nissan.  When there is aid there is cash flow (except when the materials and workers are from the donor countries)   Cash flow create entrepreneurship, jobs and more local businesses.

Thus a small enterprise should remember this.  

And remember we did.  We put ;up a foundation in honor of my late father.

These are the things we did:
1.  Donated books and computers to a local national high school;
2.  Donated a 4 room school building (but after 25 years they had it demolished to give way to another building in honor of another politicians family built with taxpayer money.)
3.  Sent 30 or so students on scholarship for college at State universities. and colleges
4.  Had high school scholars
5.  Donated to church construction (2)
6.  Built a rescue and ambulance system.  Bought two ambulances, had them volunteers trained the 911 way, bought 2 fire trucks.  

We may have wasted come valuable company resources but we did our duty as good citizens and fulfilment of the duty of paying things forward. 

We also have lending company so that we recirculate the revenues we have received.  It makes the host community more progressive

It is better to give than to receive.   When we give, we show love charity and our spirituality

At the end of the life, what matters most is the love and care we have left behind for the world.

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