Showing posts with label 100 things to remember about 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 100 things to remember about 2013. Show all posts

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 will be a tough year for US business entrepreneurs


I have made frequent posts from Huffington Post,  Newsmax, WSD on the state of US economy.  Small entrepreneurs will face:  weak credit market, slower growth (demand) at most 2.1% and higher taxes.    There is the talk of fiscal cliff:   higher tax rate, and cut in govt spending.  As we all know, govt spending fuels economic activity.

So Americans will most likely find opportunities and jobs abroad.    However there is a tax for capital transfer (as much as 30%) and because of that, opportunities abroad does not look good.  However, US is still the center of high tech innovation and the US will be a major energy producer.

  Find out about 100 new things in 2013