Showing posts with label 4 hour work week. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4 hour work week. Show all posts

Friday, November 29, 2013

Night wtih Entrepreneurs last night November 25, 2013 - a night to remember

AGSB |  H de la Costa Campus, Salcedo Village, Makati City  |  November 25, 2013

Today is the last day of the Sentrep Class.  The last activity/event is the group work  -  Entrep Guest which is gets hefty number of points for the group work grade and they get a 4.0 for bringing the entrepreneur.  I found this to be an important event because the real authority on the subject are not the case analyses or the group creative activity but the real entrepreneurs story - their journey, their blood sweat and tears as they built up their enterprises.

The class aptly called it the Entrepreneur's Night. (so they made sure that we started at 6:30) And we were honored to have as our guest last night:   Mr. Peter Paul Cauton, an HR man, a blogger,;  Ms. Caroline Cua (fresh graduate with her preservative less calamansi - dont ask me how she does  it, it is probably a trade secret) who supports this professor on the importance of business planning (so guys are you beginning to have your business concept and model, objectives);  Mr Chris Angeles and his advocacy for a shorter work week (4 hours as per Tim Ferris -  my daughters told me earlier about this about a year ago) and Mr. Dennis (Dencio) a divemaster, serial entrepreneur, mountaineer, and tourism guy from Dive Planet.

 Peter Paul posted this event at his blog:  Juan Great Leap.  (Thanks for the blog post sir)

Most of them mentioned what has been mentioned in the class:

1.  Whole brain Hermann 4 brain thinking   -  from Dennis

2.  Business models (from Dennis and Peter)

3.  Business planning by Caroline

4.  Opportunities and find out what sucks in the business or in the market (Peter Paul)

5.  Writing your personal strategic plan (the learning agreement)

6.  The importance of personal mastery (especially Caroline) everybody

7.  Opportunities within your business (as laundry, hardware, real estate) from Dennis

8.  Opportunity scanning (from Dennis) PESTEL - worldwide outlook on tourism, the Cape Verde triangle.

9.  Now  (everybody says that the time to start being an entrepreneur is not later when you are old but now)  Listen to the cat on the rooftop.  Now

                                      The wall paper for the Night with Entrepreneurs

                                      The tarpaulin prepared by Abet A

                               They had catering, cum waiters

                                     The Class spent for the event, they had the food catered

 x                                Ensaymada for the guests

                           The entrep guests waiting for their turn;   Janssen,  Hector and Elmer in front

                                  The class enjoying the food prior to the entrep talk

                                   Chris Angeles, one of the guests, with Marc T who invited them

                                  Liza, Kris, Jojo converse with the guests

                                  The guests:   Dencio, the fiance of Chris and Peter Paul

                 Mr Dencio Catienza, from UP evolved from a mountaineer, diver and entrepreneur

               The Cape Verde Triangle with 3000 species to be seen, the greatest dive spot in the world

            The youngest of them all, fresh from AdeMU, Caroline Cua, talks about her wonderful preservative - less calamansi

                                  The class, mesmerized by the Entrepreneurs' talk and experiences

                                      Mr Chris Angeles and his wristbands

                                He is not selling locally;  only to USA

                                  Chris expounds on the 4 hour work week by Tim Ferris

                                      A sample of Chris product, I took one

                           Peter Paul Cauton, from AdeMU HR man, and a blogger/entrepreneur

                                 He talked about lean start ups, traction, VCs beneflex

                                    Tokens:  jacket, ensamymada and AGSB certificate for Dencio

                                   Recognition for sweet young Caroline

                               Chris spent more than 4 hours this week;  he spent 3 hours for this talk

                                            Words of wisdom from Prof Jorge after the Entrep talk