Showing posts with label BoA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BoA. Show all posts

Friday, January 20, 2023

Doomsayer - world wide recession in 2023

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Many experts:   Robert Kiyosaki, banks (BoA) World Bank  many YT videos predict of impending world wide recession due to China problem with Covid, world wide inflation due to US Fed increase of interest
rates, impending illiquidity of big banks (due  to countries saddled with huge deficits and debt to to GDP ratio which incudes Japan and USA (over 100% - Phil at  60+ still looks healthy

We still do not know for sure how true these predictions are (but even Feng Shui experts seem to affirm that 2023 is going to be bad.)

But we must be resilient and dig in defensively:    hold on to commodities - gold and silver and  real estate.   Currency may be worthless   We can end up like Nigeria or Venenzuela  (In Venenzuela, a Big Mac cost millions)