Showing posts with label Business Development Bank of Canada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business Development Bank of Canada. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Factors Paper - Albert Bryan Abelido

For me to be able to assess the factors that will make me or will not make me a successful business entrepreneur, I made use of the Entrepreneurial Potential Self-Assessment by the Business Development Bank of Canada as found on their website.
The results were as follows:


The results obtained revealed that generally my motivations, aptitudes and attitudes are somewhat below the obtained average by the entrepreneurs.

My Motivations:
I'm the type person who loves challenges and always up for anything that will push me to the limits. I view challenges as opportunities for me to shine brighter and for me to be publicly recognized. I love the feeling of being able to influence other people to do action even if it's something that they're not 100% comfortable. They just rely on the trust that I have invested to move things forward. However, sometimes too much stress makes me less effective especially if there's just too much in my plate. Though I normally ask for help, it takes awhile before I reach for one. I'm sometimes put in panic mode especially when deadlines are about to approach already. 

I have always high regard for myself. I have received negative comments on how I do things from mentors, peers and even my family, but never did I recall that I had doubts with what I'm capable of. If things don't come as it should be, I always acknowledge my participation on its failure but I don't consider myself as such.

My Aptitudes:
I'm very enthusiastic on new things, new learnings, and new challenges. I'm capable on how we can make things work. I have always believed that I can do anything possible as long as I put my heart and mind on it. I also rely on my instincts but those instincts are driven by how I have approached or others approached on certain situations.

However, in as much as I wanted to accomplish more, there are certain priorities that fall behind. Some things I tend to take for granted that deters my excitement to finish it. And it's because I see another opportunity to grab.

My Attitudes:
I always try to learn lessons from my failures. It's easy for me to pick myself up and move on. I have always believed that I'm born to become a winner and failures are there to prepare me for something bigger ahead. However, there are some sacrifices I cannot take especially if it's something that will take my time away from my love ones.

I like to lead others. I enjoy situations where I have the final say. However, once someone breaks my trust, it takes time before such can be restored.  3

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