Showing posts with label CBD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CBD. Show all posts

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Work experience in CBD and education in top university do not guarantee for success

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Some one is in contractual engagement with us for an important task.  However, this post is riled by:
lack of initiative and slow execution.  Not negotiating with the suppliers.  Irregular or 0 reporting
Being argumentative rather than supportive of the goal, and or wealth creation.

I would like to see this aa a work in process and would like to see changes in the individual to be entrepreneurial .  Michael Gerber was right regarding E myth

Monday, May 15, 2023

Being an achiever in real estate

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

We have in business for 40 years.  One of the mantras for secret of success we keep is "Keep your word"

Last week we had two meetings to signal our comeback to subdivision development which we left in 1997 due to Asian financial crisis.  One reason we had this meeting is to recover our exposure to our developer who is well known to my daughter who is now a senior officer of the company.  The objective of the come back was to recover the exposure we had to her former boss through packaging fees or profit from the undertaking.

The tripping meeting was to show us lots that could be payment in kind to almost 8 figures of exposure.
However the lots presented were to be priced at 5 numbers but it was badly developed:   cracked roads, incomplete road network, wrongly placed open space.  No centralized water system network and to think that the owners developers of the project are well known personality:   congressman from Visayas, former GM of a pharma, and now the former boss of my daughter.

It dawned to me that my daughter did not get this secret of success of keeping our word.   The former boss said he was willing to shoulder 1/3 of the debt (but their PN did not say so).  So much for the display of pomp and status of "execs"  from CBD who are all words and spreadsheets but no achievements