Showing posts with label CEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CEO. Show all posts

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Innovation at Omron

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Rizal Philippines
January 29, 2017

The Future of People and Machines
 - Yoshihito Yamada

The President of Omron Yoshihito Yamada spoke at NHK on the two things that propelled Omron, the maker of sensors and other innovative devices that changed the world we live in like cash counters, cash dispensers, ATM machine, portable BP devices automated ticket machine and many many more.

Yoshihito Yamada CEO of Omron at NHK at Direct Talk

They are innovation, and commercialization of those innovation

What do you think of this game changing ideas in a business?

The President used to be in sales and his project was the BP measurement devices.  They made a campaign to get people to use the device:  people should measure their BP to avoid heart attacks and strokes.   And their sales of portable aneroid sphygmo shot up.  Innovation is risky, and they had many failures too

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


According to Alex Pe, there are several titles which we know:  COO, CEO (Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Executive Officer)

The main reason why Alex left an employer where he worked as COO for a friend CEO, he found the third chief:    Chief Hindi. (the wife is the CHindi) and objects to what has agreed upon. 

Fortunately for him his wife, who joined him is not CHindi.

Is you wife or your boss CHindi.