Showing posts with label Cristhel Molina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cristhel Molina. Show all posts

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Factors Paper - Cristhel Molina - Spentrep

Hi Sir,

As with the same case of the dry cooking, I have been sending my factors paper to the wrong email for the past 2 weeks. Please see factors paper below.


<Please go over the syllabus well.>

Cristhel Elizabeth A. Molina                                                         January 20, 2014
SPEntrep – Individual Paper 1

Factors for Business Entrepreneurs

What factors I do/ don't posses that make/ do not make me a Business entrepreneur?

            The article written by presents the different characteristics that make an entrepreneur. It listed 10 key factors that an entrepreneur manifests: determination, confidence, action-oriented, passion, ability to see the brighter future, people person, risk-taker, not afraid of failure, opportunity-spotter, and financial thinker. In another article written by, it sites the six factors of an entrepreneur in business. It states that planning; perseverance, risk management, enthusiasm and belief, levelheaded approach, and relishing challenges are the key components in entrepreneurship. Now, which of these factors do I see in myself and which one do I lack?