Showing posts with label EBTU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EBTU. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Factors Paper by EBTU

Factors Paper
Factors I posses and do not posses to be a successful entrepreneur

                I am Evan Brian T. Uy, 23 years old, male, 5'10", 157 lbs, dark, athletic figure and of Chinese descent.

                I was not born with a silver spoon. My parents were not financially blessed when my elder sister and I were born. My father just started out his business with his brother and my mother used to work with an insurance company when we were young. We had everything we needed – 3 meals a day, a rented apartment for our shelter and a hand-me-down car from my uncle. In just a few years my father's business thrived and our standards of living also improved. My mother stopped working and became a full-time homemaker. Even if my father's business flourished, he did not spoil us all but even wanted us to have a taste of reality. Since my siblings and I were kids, our parents will encourage us to save money and use it wisely. They did not shower us with expensive gifts. As a kid, I cannot understand that. But now that I've grown up, I can understand the skill and discipline they have taught us since we were young. In addition to their guidance, they also enrolled us in many activities and sports, mostly during summer, which helped us develop our personalities and outlook in life. When I was 9 years old my parents forced me into competitive swimming. My performance was mediocre and uninspiring during my first five years of competitive swimming. During those years I did not have any fighting spirit and perseverance in me. It was only my parents who forced me to swim. On my sixth year of competing, something unexpected happen; I was being considered to represent the country for the SEA Games. I was 15 years old when that happened. Puberty hit me at the right time even though my spirit is not there. I considered myself lucky to have genes of an athlete (my father was a basketball player in the NCAA) but I realized and learned a lot of things from that as well.

                 From all the environmental and genetic factors that honed me throughout the years, I have reflected and been able to pin-point some characteristics I have and do not have to make me a good entrepreneur. Here are some factors that I consider as my strengths to be a good entrepreneur:

Optimism and Confidence
As a competitive athlete for almost 15 years now, I've learned how to control my feelings. The emotional ups and downs of hectic competitions and my overall career as an athlete contributed so much in the way I handle myself. I used to lose a lot. I had a big break when I was 15-18 years old. I became a national team member. I lost my peak when I was around 19-20 years old mainly because of my demanding school work. I lost to younger and newer swimmers. It devastated me. But my optimism and confidence was still there. I worked hard again and performed outstandingly last 2010 and won the MVP award in UAAP on my fifth and last playing year in the UAAP. It was a proof of how I was conditioned by my parents and environment. I've always thought the when I am down, there's nothing else to do but pull yourself up against all the challenges. I don't want to lose forever. Being an athlete established an unshakable optimism in me.

Hard work, Focus and Discipline
Balancing my studies since my grade school days to my undergraduate and graduate studies in the AdMU really honed my discipline and focus. It is never an easy task to study and train 3-5hrs a day regularly. Up to now that is still my routine. I had to stay away from peer pressure and other vices to be able to achieve my goals as an athlete and as a student.

I learned how to be persistent when I wanted something so bad. I cannot just let something pass by if I want it so bad. I always make sure that I have exhausted all possible options and giving my blood and sweat before ending something.

As a student-athlete in one of the finest schools in the country, I've developed stamina that's enough to face any challenge. I graduated on time from the AdMU while maintaining my position as the best performing swimmer in the team. Aside from the mental stress school bring I am also able to endure physical stress of my training.

Open and aware
I am an explorer. I go to places and make the most out of my stay there by wandering and observing carefully. I always think that I will always learn something from the things happening outside my comfort zone. Every time I go to a new place here in NCR or in other places in the Philippines and even abroad, I make to visit and observe key area and activities of that place. I am also aware of the current events to ensure that my knowledge is up to date.

Challenge and Risk-taker
I am adventurous in life. I do not live to be on the safe side. I believe and feel that fulfillment can be found in overcoming challenges.

Being born and raised in a Chinese family really made me realize the value of money. I am never careless when it comes to money but not to the point where I am being very unreasonable. I always weigh the pros and cons when spending and I avoid spending on things I do not need.

Interpersonal skills
I've made a lot of friends in school, sports and through other means. I believe that I am sociable. I also like dealing with people because. I have a good sense of humor and I think it really helps a lot in making friends and getting close to people. I can also be formal if the situation calls for it. I am very flexible.

So far I have discussed some factors that I think can help me become a good entrepreneur. It's about time to discuss some negative factors in me that needs improvement.

At times, I can really be unorganized. I rarely sort and file things in the most effective way possible. Sometimes I make an effort to organize things but I know it is not enough.

Too much confidence and energy
Sometimes I get too excited on something that I fail to plan it carefully. Early this year I started a small business. It was a product of pure optimism and confidence without proper planning. The demand for the products I introduced was not enough and I failed to do intensive market research to realize that. My business closed down after 6 excruciating months.

I believe that I have the necessary factors to be a successful entrepreneur. I just need to improve on my weaknesses to further improve my character as a aspiring entrepreneur. I just hope fate is with me on this. 3.5