Showing posts with label February. Show all posts
Showing posts with label February. Show all posts

Monday, October 21, 2013

Sultan Jamalul III Kiram died today, end of Sabah Claim?

From Inquirer | Sunday October 20, 2013

 Sultan Jamalul III Kiram, the patriarch of the Kiram family claiming ownership of Sabah, died today of multi organ failure at Philippine Heart Center.  He was 75 years old.  This was announced by his daughter Princes Jacel Kiram to Radio Inquirer

The Sultan's security forces, it should be remembered landed in Sabah to claim the land for the sultanate.  The Malaysian security forces however killed 60 his men.  The leader Sultan Rajah Mudah Kiram his brother is in hiding and no one knows his whereabouts.

KIram claims that the island has been merely leased to the British North Borneo.  The lease was merely transferred to Malaysia after Malaysia gained independence from the British.  Up to this date, Malaysia still pays 5,330 ringgit to the Sultanate heirs.   Malaysia calls it cession fees. 

What do you think?

Does Sabah really belong to the PHL?

Should we support Kiram's to support their claim so that Muslim Filipinos shall not be considered illegals in Sabah (their home country?)

Or his death signals the claim will die with him?

Prof Jorge Saguinsin

